Preparing Employee Data For Upload

You can import data into IceHrm using CSV files. By default, we support importing basic employee details and attendance data. This feature should be used only during the initial setup.

  1. Download sample data file (File -> Download -> Download as CSV)

2. The file has the following columns which match with default employee data file definition

  • employee_id = The id of the employee (this id should be unique, if the employee with the same id exists in the system then employee details will be replaced)
  • first_name, middle_name, last_name = Employee names
  • address1,address2,home_phone,mobile_phone,work_email = Employee contact details
  • gender = Male or Female
  • marital_status = Married, Single, Divorced, Widowed, Other
  • birthday = MM/DD/YY format
  • nationality = Any nationality defined in System -> Manage Meta Data -> Nationality
  • ethnicity = Any ethnicity defined under System -> Manage Meta Data -> Ethnicity
  • ssn_num = Social security number or ID number
  • job_title = Job Title (this should be predefined in Admin -> Job Details Setup -> Job Titles)
  • employment_status = Employment Status (should be predefined in Admin -> Job Details Setup -> Employment Status)
  • joined_date = Joined date in MM/DD/YY format
  • department = Company Structure this employee is attached to (predefined in Admin -> Company Structure)

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