Leave Lock Period

The leave lock period feature is used to specify the number of months an employee should wait from the joined date of the employee before applying for a leave request.

To define the leave lock period for a specific leave type, go to Manage -> Leave, click on Add New, and fill in the details. In the advanced section, you will be able to specify the leave lock period.

Suppose an organization wants employees to wait for 1 month after the joined date to apply for a particular leave type. In this case, you can simply set the value for the Leave Lock Period as 1 month as shown below:

If you want to set the leave lock period for all the leave types at once, you can use the global setting which is under Settings -> Leave -> Leave: Lock Period After Joined Date.

Please note that if you have specified the leave lock period when adding a leave type, the global leave lock period will be overridden by the leave’s lock period.

Now your employees won’t be able to submit a leave request until they complete 6 months in your organization.

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