Adding a New Course

Table of Contents

The Training module in IceHrm can be used to manage the process of providing internal training for employees.

In the training module, we have courses, training sessions, and training subscription management.

  1. Admins/Managers can define courses
  2. Admins/Managers can use courses to create training sessions
  3. Admin can assign courses to employees or employees can subscribe
  4. Employees can mark training sessions as attended and attach a proof of completion if required
  5. Admins/Managers can approve that the training session is completed by the employee

Adding a new Course #

CodeEach course should have a code
NameThe course name
CoordinatorThe employee of the company who is responsible for coordinating the course. In some cases, the coordinator could be the trainer/instructor as well
Name of the person who conducts the course
Payment TypeWhether the course is sponsored by the company or paid by the employee

Most of the other fields are self-descriptive.

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