Courses and Lessons

The IceHrm course module allows you to create training materials for your employees. You can design courses to help them develop new skills or ensure they understand company policies.

Each course consists of multiple lessons, which may include text, videos, images, and questions.

To add a course, you must have Admin or Manager permissions. Navigate to Manage → Courses, then click Add New to create a course, giving it a name and a short description. You can set the course status to Draft initially, preventing employees from enrolling until it’s ready.

Click the Course Overview button on the newly added course to start editing its details. The editor allows you to add text, images, videos, and other elements, giving you a variety of editing options.

Add Lessons #

A course should have a list of lessons. Lessons can contain learning matrials and questions. Lessons can be added through “Lessons” tab.

When adding lessons, the lesson number is important as it determines their order. You can edit a lesson by clicking the Lesson Content button in the lesson list.

Adding and editing lesson content works the same way as editing a course. However, you can also include Quiz elements in lessons.

Publishing the Course #

In order ot publish the course set the status of the course and all the lessons to Published. Then the course will be visible to your employees under Training -> My Enrollments -> Courses.

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