Digital Workplace

What Is the Digital Workplace, Really?

The digital workplace is now commonplace in the UK. Companies in all industries rely on virtual components and workstations for at least part of their activities.

And that’s not a trend! Virtual workplaces are on the rise. Below is a detailed overview of the increasing use of remote workers to help you decide if it is the right solution for your company.

Important facts

  • A digital workplace requires the integration of technology to optimize company operations and connect your employees.
  • Digitizing some or all business processes can expand your business operations and increase the pool of applicants from which you can draw.
  • Data can be more vulnerable to external manipulation, so cybersecurity should play an important role when planning your digital workplace.

What is a digital workplace?

A digital workplace is a type of workplace where employees can access their work online and, theoretically, complete it in a distributed, asynchronous manner. A digital workplace often promotes effective collaboration in hybrid business models.

What are the key components of a digital workplace?

There are several key components that are central to a successful digital workplace. A digital ecosystem without one or more of the following components can hinder the efficiency and productivity of your business.

1.Effective communication channels

Reliable communication channels are the basis for a successful digital workplace. Real-time communication (called synchronous) across platforms like Slack and Teams is essential for productivity and accuracy. It is also crucial for managers to organize collaboration. While asynchronous forms of communication such as email are still important, synchronous communication ensures that everyone involved receives real-time updates when they are relevant to the tasks at hand.

The balance between using synchronous and asynchronous communication channels looks different in every organization. Each department can set a precedent and establish a system that works best for their team.

2.Streamlined processes

The digital workplace infrastructure allows the company to virtualize many important processes and streamline them through online software. These cloud-based platforms ensure that anyone with appropriate permissions can access the right information in real time, so no one loses track of things at any point. This software also automates more tedious parts of certain tasks, making your company’s overall workflow more efficient.

3.Project management

Certain digital assets enable teams to track large projects with absolute accuracy. Online platforms allow team members to stay updated on progress no matter where they are and help them align their efforts toward a clear goal. Additionally, the team leader can more easily break down large tasks into smaller action items for each member while highlighting the desired deadline.

4.Increased security

A digital framework can save employees time and increase productivity, but company data still needs to be protected. As more processes move online, you will need to invest more in security protocols that protect important data and cover potential vulnerabilities.

5.Analysis tools

Companies produce large amounts of data, often used to provide insight into the company’s financial health and overall market success. In the past, this data was collected and analyzed by hand, which could easily lead to human error and therefore incorrect conclusions. Today, digital analytics tools can generate more accurate and actionable insights from large amounts of information. Not to mention, these tools can also ensure the accuracy of the data analyzed.

Advantages and disadvantages of a digital workplace

In a technology-driven society, switching to a digital workplace has many benefits. However, companies that rely on digital tools may also face unique challenges that need to be considered before implementation.

For example, a digital workplace can create globally connected business processes. An extensive network of employees allows the company to take advantage of unique opportunities or withstand unexpected disruptions such as extreme weather conditions. However, this network mainly depends on a reliable internet connection. A disruption in this connection can disrupt normal operations.

Below you will find an overview of further advantages and disadvantages of a digital work environment:

A digital workplace increases employee engagement by streamlining tedious processes and facilitating communication with colleagues.A digital workplace can make it difficult to develop interpersonal relationships as face-to-face interaction is replaced by messages.
Digital communication channels offer employees a reliable way to exchange ideas and give feedback without the risk of misunderstandings.A digital workplace can create a dependency on the latest technologies, even when meeting in person.
It expands the talent pool the company can draw from and makes it easier to find top talent.Upgrading outdated programs and devices is costly and can take time for employees to get used to.
A digital workplace increases overall efficiency, which in turn can increase sales.Moving a company’s data online can make it more vulnerable to hacking and data leaks without proper protection.

How to overcome the challenges of a digital workplace

Some companies are better prepared to adapt to a virtual work environment than others. Digital workplaces help solve some of the challenges associated with working in a physical space, but also introduce new ones that must be overcome. Some solutions to the obstacles you might encounter are:

  • Complexity. When choosing tools for your digital workplace, stick to one or two brands. This limits the number of systems employees need to learn while ensuring that the new programs work well together. This also ensures that the systems work together.
  • Resistance to change. Virtualizing a workplace changes the dynamics and processes built into the physical workplace. Long-time employees may have particular difficulty learning new systems, but training programs to bridge knowledge gaps can make the transition easier.
  • Vulnerability of the data. Digital information is more vulnerable to external manipulation than physical documents or information stored locally (on a device that is not connected to the Internet). Many companies do not consider data protection in the early stages of their digital workplace strategy. However, thinking about cybersecurity from the start can help you protect your company’s data in the long run.
  • More distractions. Digital workplaces can promote productivity through more flexible working conditions, but this environment can also bring with it a lot of distractions. Reduce tab switching by bringing all work processes into one platform with integrated tools that encourage employees to focus on their tasks.

How to increase employee engagement in a digital workplace

Companies transitioning to a digital workplace may initially struggle to maintain employee engagement. However, there are several methods to keep your employees engaged even when they are not present in a physical office.

  • Automate your onboarding process. Onboarding is an important and complex process that is much easier to manage through automation. An online program streamlines the process, eliminates redundancies and saves time training new employees so they get off to the best possible start.
  • Recognize your employees’ contributions. Employees often feel more engaged when they know their work is important to the company. Recognizing their efforts, even when they’re not there in person, encourages employees to continue their good work.
  • Introduce robust collaboration tools. A digital workplace connects people from all over the world, but that doesn’t always mean those people feel connected. Implement multi-channel communication tools to ensure your employees feel part of a team, even when working remotely. Consider introducing additional opportunities to socialize. Virtual happy hours or creating a “watercooler” channel for casual conversations within your communication tools are two ways to foster camaraderie.
  • Invest in a mobile platform. Most people have a cell phone, and some have a cell phone specifically for work. Look for app-based programs that can be installed on their phones so employees can stay connected during work hours, no matter where they are.

What is a digital workplace strategy and why is it important?

A digital workplace strategy describes how your company plans to adopt digital workplace technologies with as little impact on employees’ tasks as possible. It helps you control the introduction of new tools and design them in such a way that your employees are not overwhelmed and work morale does not suffer.

A detailed strategy includes descriptions of the resources you want to introduce and the benefits they can bring to your business. This makes it easier for you to prioritize which technologies you want to integrate first.

What are the key elements of a digital workplace strategy?

The most effective digital workplace strategies can be broken down into several key elements to ensure a smooth transition. The most important aspects to remember are:

  • Vision. Do you have an idea of what you want your digital workplace to look like at the end of your company’s transition? This may be a specific, outlined goal or a more general desire, but having a goal in mind will help you determine the steps needed to achieve that goal.
  • Coordination with your corporate strategy. Outline how the benefits of your digital workplace strategy directly impact the company’s overall mission. Implementation is time and resource consuming and it will be difficult to garner support for the initiative if it is not linked to other objectives.
  • Defined scope. Determine the extent of the company’s transition to virtual operations. Does your strategy affect all employees or just certain areas? How does it impact the customer experience? Which business processes will be affected? Clarifying these and other questions will help ensure that your strategy remains realistic.
  • Established criteria for success. Determine the metrics you will use to measure the success of your digital workplace. Doing this before you begin implementing new technology allows you to focus the initiative on improving company processes that directly impact this metric.

Frequently asked questions about the digital workplace

What is meant by the digital workplace?

  • The term “digital workplace” refers to the online tools that enable employees to do their work at any time and from any location.

What is an example of a digital workplace?

  • A company that aligns its work process around using Slack or Asana to communicate with its employees creates a digital workplace.

What is the difference between a digital workplace and a workspace?

  • A digital workplace is a platform through which employees can communicate with each other. A digital workplace is a platform on which employees can do their work.

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