Collaborative Learning

Collaborative Learning: Definition, Examples and Benefits for the Workplace Collaborative learning is one of the most effective approaches to workplace training and development. This group-based method allows participants to learn from each other and work together to solve problems, bringing a variety of benefits to both organizations and individuals. What is collaborative learning?Collaborative learning is…

Constructive Feedback

The 10 guidelines for good constructive feedback When it comes to constructive feedback for HR managers, it’s all about performance. Ultimately, everyone agrees that feedback is one of the most valuable parts of any HR review or performance management cycle. Additionally, it is vital to an employee’s continued professional development. So why is it still…

Cultural Web Model

Cultural Web Model: A Strategy for Corporate CultureWhat is the cultural web model? Well, a company’s strategic direction and success are very often a byproduct of its corporate culture. Therefore, it is beneficial for organizations to not only think about culture but also analyze it. The Cultural Web model is just one way to understand…

Core HR

How does core HR work?Core HR refers to the essential tasks and processes that an HR department must complete on a daily basis. You could think of them as the basic, most important, or mandatory tasks and programs that make up an average HR team. In this article we take the time to outline these:…

Communication Styles

5 Types of Communication Styles in the Workplace and Tips Let’s talk about the most common communication styles in the workplace. We’ll also look at the purpose of each style and how you can improve your communication skills in the workplace. The most important facts– The communication style is made up of tone of voice,…

Boolean Search

Boolean search: definition, search terms and examplesIn this article, we would like to explain how a Boolean search works and how it can help hiring managers and recruiters find qualified applicants. We’ll also show you how to use Boolean search in your hiring process using a LinkedIn example. The most important factsA Boolean search uses…

Bad Reference

Is it illegal to give a bad reference?Is it illegal to issue a bad job reference? The legality of employment references has been discussed for some time. In this article we will address all frequently asked questions and provide answers to them: Is it illegal to give a bad reference?In short: no. It is completely…

Basic Salary

Understanding basic salary and basic wages in the UKHave you ever been confused by the terms on a payslip? It’s easy to get lost with terms like basic salary, gross salary and net salary that appear without explanation. So what is a base salary? What is a basic salary? We explain these common terms and…