
What Is a 147c Letter?
A 147c letter, also known as an EIN verification letter, is issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to confirm the Employer Identification Number (EIN) for a business. This letter is sent when a company has misplaced or lost its EIN and needs official documentation of the number. It’s important to note that the 147c letter is not a request for a new EIN but serves to provide information about the existing one.

What Does EIN Stand For?
EIN stands for Employee Identification Number, a nine-digit identifier assigned by the IRS to businesses for tax-related purposes.

When Should I Request an EIN Letter?
Business entities often require their EIN for various purposes, such as filing taxes, opening business bank accounts, and applying for permits. If a company cannot recall its EIN or lacks documentation of it, requesting a 147c letter becomes necessary.

How Do I Request an IRS Letter 147c?
To request an IRS Letter 147c, one can contact the IRS Business and Specialty Tax line at 1-800-829-4933. The line is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, following the taxpayer’s local time (Alaska and Hawaii adhere to Pacific Time). During the request, individuals will need to answer security questions, after which the IRS will send the 147c letter via mail or fax.

What Are the Alternatives to Requesting a 147c Letter?
Alternatively, before requesting a 147c letter, individuals can explore other avenues to find their EIN, such as checking the initial confirmation letter from the IRS when the EIN was first obtained, contacting financial institutions where the EIN was used for account openings or loan applications, and reaching out to state or local agencies where licensing applications were submitted. Additionally, reviewing past tax returns filed under the EIN may provide the necessary information.

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