Disciplinary Infraction in the Workplace

Disciplinary Infraction in the Workplace: Here’s What To Know Disciplinary violations must be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible to ensure workplace safety and maintain team morale. However, before addressing issues of poor behavior in your workforce, you should clarify what constitutes misconduct in your company. Below is a guide to understanding disciplinary…

HR Data Analytics

Everything To Know About HR Data Analytics In this article, we will help you understand HR data analysis. We’ll show you the positive impact it can have on your business and how you can use it as part of your current business strategy. The most important facts What is HR data analysis? The term HR…

Diversity Management

Diversity Management: How Can It Help Grow Your Business? Diversity management is of great importance in modern workplaces. Because equality and diversity in the workplace can lead to better-functioning teams, happier employees and, on top of that, more sales. While it may sound like an HR manager’s dream, diversity management can make all of this…

Developing Employees

12 Ways to Start Developing Employees Today Coaching and employee development can take a company from good to great. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 12 concrete ways you can start developing your employees today. We also explain why employee development is so important in today’s world of work. What does it mean to…

Duvet Days

Should You Offer Employees Duvet Days? How do you know if your employees need a “duvet day”? What is that? Should your company promote this day, or should you recognize it at all? Let’s take a look at what a duvet day is, its importance in the workplace, and how you can incorporate a related…

Dismissing An Employee

Dismissing An Employee: How To Have That Conversation Firing an employee is often a tense and delicate matter. After all, termination discussions are delicate and require a lot of tact. But who has to deliver the bad news? And how do you do that in a productive way? In this article you will learn what…

Digital Workplace

What Is the Digital Workplace, Really? The digital workplace is now commonplace in the UK. Companies in all industries rely on virtual components and workstations for at least part of their activities. And that’s not a trend! Virtual workplaces are on the rise. Below is a detailed overview of the increasing use of remote workers…

Compulsory Redundancy

Compulsory Redundancy: Rights, Processes, Examples Sometimes forced layoffs may be the only way to overcome difficult circumstances in an organization. Although you can try to avoid this process through cost cutting, job relocation, or voluntary layoffs, it may be unavoidable. If you are currently trying to navigate the redundancy process in the UK, here is…