Collaborative Learning

Collaborative Learning: Definition, Examples and Benefits for the Workplace

Collaborative learning is one of the most effective approaches to workplace training and development. This group-based method allows participants to learn from each other and work together to solve problems, bringing a variety of benefits to both organizations and individuals.

What is collaborative learning?
Collaborative learning is an educational approach that uses groups to enhance the teaching and learning experience. Typically, these are groups of at least two learners who work together to learn new concepts, solve problems, or complete tasks.

By working in a group, learners can become more actively involved in processing, understanding and using the concepts or information presented to them. This is done instead of simply memorizing specific facts or figures.

General theories of collaborative learning
There are several theories of collaborative learning that have shaped the way organizations and educators use the method. Broadly speaking, the various theories support the concept that learning is social – it is fostered through conversations, attempts to understand, and work to solve specific challenges.

The three most frequently discussed theories of collaborative learning are presented below. The first two theories looked at children’s learning, while the third theory looked at adult cognitive development – however, all of these theories can be applied to other groups and have influenced the development of ideas about collaborative learning.

1.Lev Vygotsky’s “Zone of Proximal Development”
Vygotsky’s work overall focused on the importance of social interaction in the learning process. One of his most important ideas was the zone of proximal development, which divides what a person can and cannot do into two zones, with a third zone in between, known as the zone of proximal development. This zone includes what a person can learn but needs guidance to do so.

Bringing this idea into the realm of collaborative learning allows learners to rely on each other to learn concepts or complete tasks that they could not accomplish alone (i.e., in their zone of proximal development).

2.Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
Like Vygotsky, Piaget’s work focused more on how children learn. His theory states that as a child develops, they 1) build their own understanding of the world around them, 2) encounter differences between their understanding and their actual experiences, and 3) compensate for these differences by restructuring their mental processes.

3.The theory of cognitive development by Robert Kegan
Kegan’s theory of cognitive development focused on what happens after age 25 – the age at which many theories assumed the end of cognitive development.

However, Kegan hypothesized that people can further develop their systems for understanding meaning as they change the way they interact with the world. His framework outlined five stages—impulsive, imperial, socialized, self-determined, and self-altering thinking—that lead to an adult reaching the highest level of development.

Why is collaborative learning important?
Collaborative learning can be an important tool for both organizations and individual learners – in a business context, for the company as a whole and for its employees.

Collaborative learning has many benefits for both sides:

Organizational benefits

  • Increased employee knowledge and skills – Because collaborative learning can help individuals learn faster and retain more, employing this method for employees will increase both the breadth and depth of skills present in the company’s workforce.
  • Improves cross-functional relationships – It can be difficult for employees to build relationships outside of their immediate team. Collaborative learning experiences are a great opportunity for individuals to meet new people and find out how to work effectively with them. This can be particularly beneficial for remote or hybrid teams.
  • Building Management and Leadership Skills – In a collaborative learning group where everyone is responsible for organizing, assigning, learning and teaching, each member has the opportunity to develop both self-management skills and better leadership skills.
  • Strengthens workplace engagement and employee retention – When companies give their employees the opportunity to learn more skills, they tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and less likely to seek other opportunities. They are also more productive and engaged, which means more efficiency and better results for the employer.

Benefits for employees

  • Improves problem solving – When learning or working on a project in a group, each individual must develop, discuss and analyze multiple ideas to find the best solution. This can also improve individual problem-solving skills.
  • Improves communication skills – Collaborative learning requires individuals to speak in front of their peers, listen actively, and both give and receive feedback. This can also boost confidence in the workplace.
  • Promotes understanding of different viewpoints – Learning in groups allows employees to hear viewpoints they may not have previously considered. Studies have shown that people who are exposed to ideas from people of different backgrounds can learn more.
  • Active Learning – Collaborative learning is an active process: each learner must organize their thoughts, share them with the group, listen and respond to others – all of which promotes active engagement.

Collaborative learning: Strategies for implementation in the workplace
There are many ways to use collaborative learning in the workplace. Here are some strategies and real-world examples to ensure your organization and your employees get the most out of it:

1.Form smaller groups
While a group that is too small (i.e., three or fewer members) can result in the group having fewer diverse backgrounds to draw from, a group that is too large (i.e., six or more members) can be difficult to manage and contribute to discrepancies the amount of work per member. We recommend four to five members for a collaborative workplace learning exercise.

2.Ensure flexible rules
Rigidity can have a negative impact on the learning experience. It’s good to allow changes throughout the duration as long as they don’t affect the end goal. For example: switch roles regularly, encourage employees to solve problems within the group themselves, and provide opportunities for support and stress relief within the learning environment itself.

3.Use groups for new product development or cross-functional updates
Think outside the box when it comes to how you use collaborative learning. For example, you could ask groups to brainstorm and come up with new product ideas. You could also have teams work together to create a presentation explaining their tasks (or specific projects) to other teams and departments. The possibilities are endless.

Collaborative Learning: Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of collaborative learning?
The aim of collaborative learning is to improve the teaching and learning experience by creating groups of 2 or more learners. These groups can then work together to learn new concepts, solve problems, or complete tasks.

What are some examples of collaborative learning activities?
Examples of collaborative learning activities in the workplace include
– Development of new products
– Cross-functional explanation of tasks or concepts
– Introduction of new employees
– Evaluation of training systems and methods
– Practicing problem solving in a team

Support collaborative learning with IceHrm
Continually promoting the learning and development of your employees is crucial to the health of the entire company. IceHrm’s performance and training management software can enable better learning outcomes, employee engagement and productivity. Find out more here.

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