360 Survey

What is a 360 Degree Survey?

Overview of 360 Degree Survey:
A 360 survey, also known as a 360 review or 360-degree feedback, involves gathering feedback on an employee’s performance from various sources, including managers, peers, reports, and self-assessments. In certain cases, feedback from clients, suppliers, contractors, or vendors may also be included. The aim is to provide a comprehensive perspective on an employee’s work, skills, and behaviors, facilitating a deeper understanding of their impact across different levels within the organization.

Purpose of a 360 Survey:
The primary purpose of a 360 survey is to assist employees in excelling in their roles and enhancing their engagement. The results of the survey help employees recognize their strengths and weaknesses, formulate effective professional development plans, and make behavioral adjustments to better support their team and organization.

Pros and Cons of 360 Surveys

The Pros of 360 Surveys:

  1. Broader Perspective on Employees: 360 surveys offer insight into the specific roles employees play within the organization, providing a more comprehensive view than what managers may observe.
  2. Identify Performance Gaps: Uncovering blind spots in performance encourages self-awareness and motivates employees to improve on weaknesses.
  3. Enhance Teamwork: Feedback from teammates contributes to the growth of employees as team members, fostering improved overall productivity.
  4. Create Accountability: Involving feedback from all organizational levels promotes accountability, helping employees stay focused on improvement goals.

The Cons of 360 Surveys:

  1. Inaccuracies: Feedback from coworkers and subordinates may lack the complete information available to a direct manager, potentially leading to inaccuracies.
  2. Biased Assessments: Coworkers may allow biases to influence assessments, creating tension and undermining trust within the workplace.
  3. Potential for a Negative Culture: Inadequate understanding or implementation of 360 surveys can contribute to a negative work environment, impacting employee well-being.

When Should 360 Surveys Be Used?

Conditions for Effective Use:
Organizations should consider using 360 surveys when the survey’s intentions align with the organization’s performance management philosophy. The survey should promote employee accountability for past performance and development for future performance, with clear alignment to company goals and values.

How Often Should 360 Surveys Be Used?

Frequency of 360 Surveys:
Conducting 360 surveys every six to 12 months allows sufficient time for employees to work on their development plans and for managers to discuss progress and address concerns. The frequency should align with other performance review cycles within the organization.

How Do You Deliver 360 Survey Results?

Delivery of Results:
Employers should deliver 360 survey results in person rather than through email. In-person sessions provide a personalized experience, fostering productive conversations where employees can ask questions and receive immediate answers. This approach enhances communication and understanding, contributing to a more constructive feedback process.

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