Boolean Search

Boolean search: definition, search terms and examples
In this article, we would like to explain how a Boolean search works and how it can help hiring managers and recruiters find qualified applicants. We’ll also show you how to use Boolean search in your hiring process using a LinkedIn example.

The most important facts
A Boolean search uses “Boolean logic” to refine search engine results.

There are three important Boolean search operators: AND, OR and NOT.

Hiring managers can use Boolean search techniques on LinkedIn, job boards, and other search engines to find qualified candidates.

What is a Boolean Search?
A Boolean search narrows or expands an Internet search to produce better results. This is often done by including operators between keywords such as AND, OR and NOT. The method goes back to the British mathematician George Boole and his mathematical theory of Boolean logic, which paved the way for how search engines work today.

You can use the Boolean search method for a variety of purposes on the Internet, but it is also a strategic hiring method that human resources can use when hiring employees. Using Boolean search terms can help you narrow the pool of eligible candidates or broaden your search. This will save you time browsing through irrelevant resumes and job advertisements.

What are the three main Boolean search operators?
There are three important Boolean search operators:

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT

The AND operator
If you want to perform a search with results that contain all the keywords in your search, then use the AND operator. An example of using the AND operator is typing Instructional AND Designer into your search engine to find the keyword “instructional designer” in a profile.

The OR operator
For searches where you are only looking for one of the mentioned keywords, use the OR operator. An example of this would be Analytical OR Strategic if you are looking for someone who lists one of these skills on their resume.

The NOT operator
The NOT operator between keywords simply means “this” and not “that”. An example of this would be “Hiring NOT Training” if you are looking for someone who has experience in recruiting but not in training or development.

How to use Boolean search operators
In recruiting, you must capitalize all Boolean operators for them to work. Here are some examples:

Enter “Manager OR Supervisor” if you want to find profiles that contain both terms.

Enter ‘senior AND designer’ to find applicants with this exact title.

Enter “Accountant NOT job listing” to exclude all ads from other companies from your search.

What other Boolean search modifiers are there?
Although AND, OR, and NOT are the three main Boolean search operators, there are other search modifiers.

  • Quotation marks. Use quotation marks when searching for specific phrases that must appear in full in a search. An example of this is “HR Coordinator” because you’re looking for applicants with HR Coordinator experience, not HR experience and separate coordinator experience.
  • Brackets. These will clarify your search if you are looking for something complex. An example is ‘HR Generalist’ AND (People or Culture). This means that you want to use the exact term “HR Generalist” and also the words “People” or “Culture” in the search.
  • Asterisks. Suppose you want all searches to contain words related to “Recruit”; then you can put an asterisk after “Recruit*” – this way you will get all keywords related to “Recruit”. This is how words like recruiting and recruiting appear in your search results.

Example of Boolean search on LinkedIn
If you’re conducting a Boolean search for recruiting, LinkedIn is a powerful search tool. We’ve covered some examples of using the various operators and other modifiers above, but let’s give a concrete example for searching on LinkedIn.

Let’s say your company has an open position for a Customer Success Team Leader. You want to hire candidates who have management or leadership experience in customer success or customer service.

A Boolean search could be ‘Customer Success’ AND ‘Team Lead’ AND (Scale or Business). After entering your search, click “See all results” and then click “People.” This search will display matching profiles that contain these keywords while removing job postings.

Frequently asked questions about Boolean search
What is a Boolean Search?
A Boolean search is a specific search method. You can use Boolean search when searching for any information online.

How do you perform a Boolean search on LinkedIn?
When performing a Boolean search on LinkedIn, use the AND, OR, and NOT operators. You can also use other modifiers to narrow your search.

Use Boolean logic when recruiting
The Boolean search method can save your team time when recruiting because it provides a simple formula that streamlines the search process.

Similarly, at IceHrm we are on a mission to have an all-in-one HR solution, so explore our HR blog to find out more. There you’ll find articles about a definitive guide to recruiting and more.

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