Action Learning Sets

Unlocking Your Workforce’s Growth

What benefits can action learning sets have for your company? This article takes a closer look at Action Learning Sets, from why they are important to how they are used in businesses and how to start or set up an ALS in the UK.

What are Action Learning Sets (ALS)?

An Action Learning Set (ALS) is a workplace group that comes together to address and solve workplace challenges. The main goal of an ALS is to generate practical solutions or insights to effectively address the issues at hand.

The ALS model was developed by Professor Reginald Revans in the mid-1940s and is based on the idea that adults learn best when they talk, think and plan together.

In a business setting, small groups can come together to form an ALS and brainstorm together, experiment with solutions, and analyze and question the results. The participants go through the Action Learning Cycle until they have found a viable solution.

The importance of action learning sets

Action Learning Sets are used by organizations around the world, from small businesses to large corporations. Regardless of sector, organizations can use the ALS model to:

  • Address core problems effectively
  • Make improvements to existing training courses
  • To disrupt and improve established organizational cultures
  • Putting a new strategy into practice
  • Develop people, from individual employees to senior managers
  • Ensuring that learning is part of the foundation of the organization
  • Find innovative solutions to problems

Bringing individuals together to solve a common problem gives each individual the opportunity to use all of their skills and knowledge, think critically, and work with others to solve challenges.

While it can be uncomfortable to be in an environment that encourages deep conversations, criticism, and challenging ideas, this shared group experience and opportunity to learn from like-minded people is of great value.

Aside from the professional development benefits, participating in an ALS can also be personally beneficial to the individual, giving them the opportunity to practice building relationships, being resilient in the face of big problems, and developing emotional intelligence.

Action Learning Set Process

The actual process of an ALS is flexible and can be adapted to the group and the problems at hand. The length of the session depends on the group’s preferences – for example, it could be one hour per week or one day per month. It is advisable to hire a facilitator to lead the sessions, manage time, and ensure the success of the sessions so that others can focus on the issues at hand.

  • An item on the agenda of the first meeting should be the establishment of ground rules covering areas such as confidentiality, integrity, security, attendance and speaking time.
  • The group members who put their names on the agenda can then share the challenges they are facing. Instead of giving advice, ALS members should ask reflective questions and provide supportive feedback to promote learning for everyone in attendance.
  • After each presentation, presenters should be able to create an action plan and update the group on their progress in the future, preferably outside ALS time to maximize problem-solving efficiency.

Through all of this, participants in ALS sessions gain a better understanding of the business challenges faced by the individual, but also the company as a whole, resulting in a greater sense of ownership and a more engaged team.

Find or set up an Action Learning Set

In some cases, you may be able to find an existing study group that your employees can join. Check with your professional networks and organizations in the UK to see if there are any groups already meeting or being set up. Choose the ALS carefully to ensure it meets the needs and goals of participating employees.

You can also follow the steps below to create an ALS within your organization:

1.Choose Topic(s) – Typically an ALS focuses on a specific topic to be covered and members can then bring up questions about that topic to be discussed in the group. The best issues for an ALS are open-ended (not yet solved/not easily solved), actionable, and have far-reaching impact on the organization.

2.Selection of Members – An ALS typically has between five and seven members. The most effective groups all join voluntarily, have a genuine interest in solving the problem, and come from diverse backgrounds and with different experiences.

3.Choose a Facilitator – The facilitator or leader of the ALS plays a critical role in the success of the group. He is responsible for ensuring that discussions do not get out of hand, that time is maintained, that ground rules are followed, and that the group focuses on solving the real problems. (There are a number of training courses to learn how to become an ALS facilitator, such as this training offered by the NHS).

4.Set a time and place – Set a time for the ALS based on the group’s availability and how often they would like to meet. Sometimes it can be helpful to hold the meeting in a less familiar location to give members new perspectives.

Use of action learning sets as a training tool

Companies can use action learning sets to promote peer learning and collaborative problem solving among employees. The ALS model can lead to creative solutions, employee development, improved organizational culture and much more.

IceHrm makes it easy to manage the full spectrum of employee performance and effectively manage training so that each individual receives the right training at the right time.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Action Learning Sets

How much does it cost to take part in an Action Learning Set?

An in-house Action Learning Set doesn’t cost much, other than the labor costs (or the fees for hiring an external facilitator, if you choose). The cost of participating in an external action learning set can vary depending on the program or moderator, so it is best to inquire about the costs directly.

How long do action learning sets usually last?

Action Learning Sets typically last a specific period of time, often several months to a year, and regular sessions are scheduled during this time.

Are action learning sets only useful for individuals or can organizations also take part?

Action Learning Sets can be beneficial for both individuals and organizations as they provide a platform for collaborative problem solving and learning in a group. Organizations can even set up their own action learning sets internally as they are beneficial for both employees and the entire organization.

Can I create my own Action Learning Set?

Yes, you can create your own Action Learning Set by gathering a group of people who want to learn and solve problems together, choosing a leader or facilitator, and setting up a structure for regular meetings and discussions.

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