HR Software for Slovakia

Leave Policy

Maternity Leave

Pregnant employees who have worked for the same employer for 60 consecutive days are entitled to 34 weeks of paid leave. Six to eight weeks must be taken before the birth of the child.

Social insurance pays 75% of the daily assessment basis for this period. The daily assessment base is calculated as follows: the sum of the gross wages of the previous year divided by 12 months divided by 365 days multiplied by the number of days of maternity leave. The maximum daily allowance for maternity leave is €55.87.

The employee cannot extend the vacation.

You can use the leave module in IceHrm to manage maternity leave in Slovakia.

Paternity Leave

Employees who care for a child and have made social security contributions for 270 days are entitled to 2 weeks of vacation. The leave must be taken within six weeks of the birth of the child.

Social insurance pays 75% of the daily assessment basis for this period. The daily assessment base is calculated as follows: the sum of the gross wages of the previous year divided by 12 months divided by 365 days multiplied by the number of days of maternity leave. The maximum daily allowance for maternity leave is €55.87.

The employee can also request “maternity leave” and divide her parental leave into paternity leave and maternity leave. An additional 26 weeks of maternity leave (for caring for a child) can be taken within three years of the child’s birth. This can only be claimed six weeks after the birth of the child, provided that the mother no longer receives maternity benefit or parental benefit from the Office for Labor, Social Affairs and Family.

Parental Leave

Employees are entitled to up to 3 years of parental leave until the child reaches the age of three. Both parents can take parental leave. Social security pays EUR 275.90 per month during this period.

Employees cannot extend parental leave.

Sick Leave

1 – 3 days25% of base salaryEmployer
4 – 10 days55% of base salaryEmployer
11 days+55% of base salarySocial Security

Pay & Tax

Minimum Wage Requirements

In Slovakia the minimum wage is between 750 EUR and 1330 EUR per month. The monthly minimum wage changes depending on the level of work intensity and responsibility, and there are 6 work levels.

Individual Income Tax

Individual income tax is between 19% and 25%. Income tax is calculated based on annual gross income.

Gross Annual IncomeTax Rate (%)
Up to EUR 37,163.3619%
Over EUR 37,163.3625%

Payroll Cost

The cost to the employer is generally estimated at 36% of the employee’s wages.

  • Social Security – 25.2%
  • Health insurance – 10.0%
  • Voucher for working lunches – EUR 61.82
  • Home work allowance – 50 EUR

These costs are given as estimates and are for general information purposes only. To fully understand all associated costs and fees associated with the terms of an employment contract for this country, please contact our sales team for a quote.

Overtime Pay & Maximum Hours

The standard working hours are 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. The normal working week lasts from Monday to Friday.

Pay for overtime is not mandatory and can be compensated with salary or granted as vacation. Hours worked outside of normal working hours are considered overtime.


Termination Requirements

Dismissals must take into account complex rules and the regulations of the country in which an employee is employed. Off-boarding is always carried out by the employer with the main participants. It may include ad hoc fees as well as required or recommended steps for specific termination cases.

Terminations in Slovakia can be made by both parties with or without cause by written notice.

Compliant terminations are:

  • Voluntary by the employee
  • By mutual agreement
  • Unilaterally by the employer due to:
    • Probation period
    • Objective reasons
    • Dismissal for disciplinary reasons
    • Performance due to unsuitability for the position
  • When the contract expires

Notice Period

The notice period depends on the duration of the employment relationship and whether the employee resigns or is fired.

  • Termination by the employer:
    • 30 days for an employment period of up to one year
    • 60 days for an employment period of one to five years
    • 90 days if you have been employed for more than five years
  • Termination by the employee:
    • 30 days for an employment period of up to one year
    • 60 days if you have been employed for more than one year

Severance for Employees

Only required if the employment relationship is terminated due to dismissal:

  • 2 to 5 years of service: 1 month’s salary
  • 5 to 10 years of service: 2 months’ salary
  • 10 to 20 years of service: 3 months’ salary
  • More than 20 years of service: 4 months salary

Statutory Time Off

Paid Time Off

Both full-time and part-time employees are entitled to 20 working days of paid time off per year. The number of PTO days and eligibility for those days depend on the employee’s age.

AgePTO daysMonthly accrual
Up to 32 years201.66 days
Over 32 years252.08 days
Employees of all ages with children252.08 days

Public Holidays

There are 14 national holidays in Slovakia, which depend on the employee’s location. National holidays include:

  • Day of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic
  • Epiphany
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Labour Day
  • Victory in Europe Day
  • Saints Cyril and Methodius Day
  • Anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising
  • Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
  • All Saints’ Day
  • Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day
  • Christmas Day
  • The First Christmas Holiday
  • The Second Christmas Holiday



5 working days after signing the MSA and paying the deposit

Additional Info

Employment Contract Details

The contracts must be drawn up in Slovak and can be bilingual. They must be in writing and signed by both parties, with the employee and employer retaining a signed copy. A contract must contain the following:

  • Surname
  • Start date
  • Length of employment
  • Job descrption
  • Conditions for Termination

Probation Period

Probationary periods are not mandatory. The maximum duration of the probationary period is 90 days, and 180 days for management positions.