HR Software for Greece

Leave Policy

Maternity Leave

Pregnant employees who have worked 10 consecutive days are entitled to 17 weeks of paid leave, which can be taken in two parts. Employees who have a child through surrogacy are also entitled to 9 weeks of maternity leave.

This is paid by e-EFKA at 50% of the employee’s regular salary according to the insured person’s contribution class. The child benefit rate is also paid for each child, at 10% of the aforementioned rate. The employee receives at least ⅔ of his regular salary for this period.

You can use the leave module in IceHrm to manage maternity leave in Greece

Paternity Leave

Employees are entitled to 14 days of paid paternity leave. The employee receives 100% of his salary during this period and the employer is responsible for payment.

The employee cannot extend the vacation, but he can request paid time off after consultation with the employer.

Parental Leave

Female employees are entitled to 30 months of reduced working hours as parental leave from the end of maternity leave or special maternity protection benefits. Employees must have worked for their employer for at least one year to be eligible.

Both parents can decide for themselves how to divide the free time that can be taken until the child reaches the age of eight, and both parents can take parental leave. This vacation is considered PTO and is paid the same as vacation.

Parental leave cannot be extended.

Sick Leave

Employees are entitled to 13 days of paid sick leave in the first year of employment and 25 days in all subsequent years. Depending on the duration, this vacation is paid at different rates and by different payers:

PeriodLength in the companyPay1st PayerPay2nd Payer
0 – 3 days50%Employer
4 – 13 daysLess than 1 year50% of the assumed daily wage of the insurance class in which the employee is classified, based on the average of the wages of the last 30 working daysSocial SecurityCompensation up to 50% of the salaryEmployer
4 – 25 daysMore than 1 year50% of the assumed daily wage of the insurance class in which the employee is classified, based on the average of the wages of the last 30 working daysSocial SecurityCompensation up to 100% of the salaryEmployer

Payments can vary based on a number of factors, so it is only possible to provide an exact amount of benefits after calculation by Social Security.

Pay & Tax

Minimum Wage Requirements

The minimum wage is EUR 780 per month. However, the minimum wage varies depending on the employee’s seniority and marital status:

Years of serviceMinimum wageMarriage/family allowance
Up to 3 yearsEUR 780EUR 858
3 – 6 yearsEUR 858EUR 944
6 – 9 yearsEUR 936EUR 1038
Over 9 yearsEUR 1014EUR 1142

Individual Income Tax

Individual income tax ranges from 9% to 44%. Income tax is calculated according to a progressive rate. Several additional factors can affect overall rates, such as: the household status and the number of children.

Gross Annual IncomeTax Rate (%)
Up to EUR 10,0009%
Up to EUR 20,00022%
Up to EUR 30,00028%
Up to EUR 40,00036%
Over EUR 40,00044%

Payroll Cost

Employer costs are generally estimated at 22.29% of employee salary. The maximum gross monthly basic salary for social security contributions for 2024 is EUR 7,373.53 per month.

  • Pension fund – 13.33%
  • Additional pension -3.00%
  • Health insurance – 4.30%
  • Additional health insurance 0.25%
  • Additional contributions – unemployment – 1.41%
  • Cost of teleworking – 28 EUR per month

Overtime Pay & Maximum Hours

The standard working hours are 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. Standard working hours are Monday to Friday. However, if both parties agree, the standard working hours can also be 6.4 hours and the working days from Monday to Saturday.

In Greece there are two types of overtime: “iperergasia” and “iperoria”. Overtime pay is required by law, and rates vary depending on the type of overtime.

There are restrictions: Employees cannot work more than an average of 48 hours per week over a period of up to four months, including both types of overtime. In addition, it is not permitted to include overtime in the employment contract.

Overtime: Iperergasia

  • For employees who work 40 hours per week, 6 days per week, the first 8 hours of overtime (1 hour and 20 minutes per day) are covered by Iperergasia.
  • For employees who work 40 hours per week, 5 days per week, the first 5 hours of overtime (1 hour per day) are covered by Iperergasia.
  • Iperergasia is compensated with a surcharge of 20% on top of the employee’s regular hourly rate.
  • This type of overtime does not have to be reported to the authorities.

Overtime: Iperoria

  • All overtime worked outside of iperergasia’s working hours is considered ipereria.
  • The authorities must be informed about Iperoria in advance and there must be a valid reason for this. The Iperoria may not exceed 3 hours per day (excluding Iperergasia) or 150 hours per year (excluding Iperergasia).
  • Iperoria is paid at a 40% premium over the employee’s regular hourly rate until the maximum of 150 hours per year is reached.
  • To work more than 150 hours of overtime per year, the employer needs a special permit from the Ministry of Labor and must pay a supplement of 60% of the regular hourly rate.


Termination Requirements

Dismissals must take into account complex rules and the regulations of the country in which an employee is employed. Off-boarding is always carried out by the employer with the main participants. It may include ad hoc fees as well as required or recommended steps for specific termination cases.

Layoffs in Greece can be complex. The conditions depend on the term of the contract, length of service and the employee’s salary. All terminations must be communicated to the authorities within 4 working days (Monday to Friday).

For permanent contracts, the following terminations are permitted:

  • Voluntary by the employee
  • By mutual agreement (only in case of retirement)
  • Unilaterally by the employer due to:
    1. Probation period
    2. Objective reasons
    3. Dismissal for disciplinary reasons: absence from work without excuse for more than seven days or for improper conduct
    Without reason, after prior notice

The following terminations are permitted for fixed-term contracts:

  • Unilateral termination by the employer due to:
    1. Objective reasons
    2. Probation period
    3. Objective reasons
    4. Dismissal for disciplinary reasons: absence from work without excuse for more than seven days or for improper conduct
  • When the contract expires

Terminations and layoffs must take place on Fridays. They cannot be made on other days of the week, weekends or holidays.

Notice Period

The notice period depends on the length of the contract, the agreements in the employment contract, the employee’s salary and the reason for the termination.

Fixed-term contracts

  • If the contract expires: no termination required
  • Termination by the employer:
    1. No notice period for employment periods of up to one year
    2. 30 days if you have been employed for more than one year

Permanent contracts

  • Unilaterally by the employer
    1. No notice period is required
  • Voluntary by the employee
    1. 15 days notice period
  • By mutual agreement

Severance for Employees

In Greece, workers who are laid off after one year of employment are entitled to severance pay. The amount of the severance payment depends on whether the employee was terminated without cause or with cause and, above all, on the duration of the warning.

The minimum severance payment for terminations without warning is 2 months and can increase to up to 12 months after 16 years of employment.

The minimum severance payment for dismissals with a warning is 1 month and can be increased to up to 6 months after 16 years of employment.

In Greece, the calculation of 1 month’s severance pay is equal to the gross monthly salary divided by 12 and multiplied by 14 (mandatory allowances).

In order to protect you from unforeseen financial risks arising from the termination of an employment relationship, IceHrm applies a severance pay provision in all employment contracts in this country. IceHrm has extensive expertise in managing litigation risk globally and our severance provision calculation is based on prevailing common law or statutory requirements and best local practices. If your employee resigns or is not entitled to severance pay, you will receive a refund of any unused amounts.

Statutory Time Off

Paid Time Off

Employees in Greece are entitled to a certain number of paid vacation days, which depends on how long they work for their employer and how many days per week they work:

Calendar yearDays worked per weekLeave amount
2520 until contract anniversary, then 21
2624 until contract anniversary, then 25
10 (or after 12 years of service at any employer)525
10 (or after 12 years of service at any employer)630
After 25 years of service at any employer526
After 25 years of service at any employer631

PTO is credited at the following amount:

  • First calendar year
    1. Works 5 days per week: 1.67 days/month
    2. Works 6 days per week: 2 days/month
  • Second calendar year
    1. Works 5 days per week: 1.75 days/month
    2. Works 6 days per week: 2.08 days/month
  • Third and subsequent years
    1. Full allowance from January 1st of each year

The employee is entitled to annual leave after 1 month of work.

Public Holidays

There are 10 national holidays celebrated in Greece.

National holidays include:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Epiphany Day
  • Annunciation of the Virgin Mary
  • Labor Day
  • Orthodox Easter Sunday
  • Orthodox Easter Monday
  • Dormition of the Holy Virgin
  • The Ochi Day
  • Christmas
  • Synaxis of the Mother of God



2 working days after signing the MSA and paying the deposit.

Additional Info

Employment Contract Details

The contracts must be drawn up in Greek and can be bilingual. They must be in writing and signed by both parties.

A contract must contain:

  • Surname
  • Start date
  • Length of employment
  • Job Description
  • Termination conditions

Probation Period

A probationary period is not required. The minimum duration of the probationary period is 30 days, the maximum duration of the probationary period is 6 months. For fixed-term contracts, the trial period must be limited to a quarter of the contract term and may not be longer than 6 months.