Leave Management

A collection of 216 posts

"Leave Management" Stories Page 1 of 17  

Understanding Paid Time Off (PTO) for Hourly Employees

Understanding how PTO works for hourly employees benefits both employers and employees, ensuring compliance with labor laws and maximizing employee benefits....

Comprehensive Time Off & PTO Policy Guide for Small Businesses

Federal law does not mandate paid time off, but a strong PTO policy can attract top talent and keep employees happy and healthy....

Managing Unpaid Leave: Guidelines, Key Facts & Legal Requirements

Unpaid Time Off (UTO) allows employees to manage personal matters without losing job security. Learn best practices for implementing UTO in your small business....

Balancing Act: Deciding Between Part-Time and Full-Time Employees

Understand the differences between part-time and full-time work, their pros and cons, and how to choose the right balance for your business....

Streamlining Holiday Scheduling: 4 Simple Steps

Prepare for the holidays with IceHrm's tips on effective holiday planning, including setting expectations, managing time off, and implementing holiday pay....

Understanding PTO, Vacation, and Sick Time Differences

Understanding PTO, vacation, and sick time helps tailor your leave policy to fit both legal requirements and employee needs effectively....

Effective Offboarding Strategies for Seamless Transitions in 2024

Handling an employee's departure with a structured offboarding process is crucial for maintaining company stability, gathering valuable feedback, and ensuring a smooth transition....

HRIS Essentials: 35 Key Stakeholder Questions

Before selecting a new HRIS, work with stakeholders to create a requirements checklist. Here are 53 essential questions they'll likely ask....

Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder at Work: A Guide for All

Learn how to manage seasonal affective disorder (SAD) at work with practical advice for managers and employees. Enhance well-being and productivity....

Still Creating Your Work schedule in Excel? Here's 5 Reason Why its Time For a Change!

we'll delve into the reasons why it's time to rethink your reliance on Excel for scheduling and embrace a change that could revolutionize how you manage projects, your workforce and, ultimately, contribute to your business success....

Top Employee Motivation Theories Every Manager Should Know

Before we dive head first into these motivational theories, let's get a quick lay of the land. At their core, motivation theories are frameworks that help us understand why we do what we do....

Recognize and Prevent Stages of Burnout at Work: A Must-Read

As workplaces evolve, phrases like "chronic stress" and "burnout symptoms" have become all too common. As HR managers and small business owners, you're juggling too many tasks and too many responsibilities....

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