employee well-being

A collection of 77 posts

"employee well-being" Stories Page 1 of 6  

Defining Full-time Work: How to Evaluate Your Team's Hours

Classifying employees correctly is crucial for compliance and ensuring team members receive the benefits they deserve. Learn how to define full-time hours and their impact....

7 Strategies HR Teams Can Use to Manage Workplace Stress

Discover how HR professionals can tackle workplace stress with seven effective strategies, fostering a positive work environment....

Do Hourly Employees Get Paid Time Off?

Imagine you're an hourly employee, juggling life and work. Not having the cushion of PTO means you might need to choose between making rent and taking care of a sick child. That's not a choice anyone should have to make....

Recognize and Prevent Stages of Burnout at Work: A Must-Read

As workplaces evolve, phrases like "chronic stress" and "burnout symptoms" have become all too common. As HR managers and small business owners, you're juggling too many tasks and too many responsibilities....

12 Signs an Employee is About to Quit and How to Deal With It

In today's competitive business environment, employee retention is critical for organizational success. A high employee turnover rate can lead to a loss of knowledge, skills, and productivity, not to mention the associated costs of recruiting and onboarding new employees....

From Work Life Balance to Work Life Fit: The New Trend of 2024

The concept of work-life balance has undergone a change! Given the challenges and opportunities of the modern workplace, it is important to understand and adapt to this paradigm shift....

7 Mistakes Interviewers Make

Applicants can usually tell from the first interview whether they would be a good fit for the company. For this reason, HR must develop optimal interview tactics to ensure that applicants have a good understanding of the company....

Crafting Effective Employee Growth Strategies in Small Businesses

Unlock the potential of your small business team with effective employee development plans. From training to mentoring, discover strategies for success!...

Effective Tactics for Talent Retention & Lowering Turnover Rates

Experts recommend tailored approaches, feedback cultures, and proactive measures to combat high turnover. Discover their top strategies here....

Essential Documents for New Hire Onboarding

Onboarding is more than just orientation—it's about the right paperwork too. Learn why documents matter and what to include for a seamless process...

How To Encourage Fitness In The Workplace

HR manager, you must be able to create a work environment that promotes the professional growth and well-being of your team. This is where workplace fitness comes into play, especially in office-based workplaces where many employees work at desks....

Recruitment Success: How To Elevate Hiring with the Right Workplace

An important factor for success in recruiting is the working environment. You can offer a candidate the best perks, but if they have to work in a hostile work atmosphere, you're likely to lose them....

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