A collection of 87 posts

"PTO" Stories Page 1 of 7  

6 Strategies to Keep Your Schedule Flexible and Prepared

Adapting to business changes is crucial. Learn how schedule forecasting and flexibility can streamline staff scheduling and enhance your business operations....

Understanding Paid Time Off (PTO) for Hourly Employees

Understanding how PTO works for hourly employees benefits both employers and employees, ensuring compliance with labor laws and maximizing employee benefits....

HR and Onboarding Tips for Small Business Hiring

As a small business owner, efficient HR management is key. IceHrm simplifies onboarding, training, and compliance, helping you focus on growth....

Managing Unpaid Leave: Guidelines, Key Facts & Legal Requirements

Unpaid Time Off (UTO) allows employees to manage personal matters without losing job security. Learn best practices for implementing UTO in your small business....

Effective Offboarding Strategies for Seamless Transitions in 2024

Handling an employee's departure with a structured offboarding process is crucial for maintaining company stability, gathering valuable feedback, and ensuring a smooth transition....

7 Strategies HR Teams Can Use to Manage Workplace Stress

Discover how HR professionals can tackle workplace stress with seven effective strategies, fostering a positive work environment....

The Complete List of 2024 Federal Holidays for Businesses

When it comes to paid-time-off (PTO) and keeping track of who to pay what, we recommend using an HR software like Eddy that helps you keep everything organized, digitized, and automated....

How to Scale Your Remote Workforce Payroll for Growth and Success

As the employer, have the chance to create the kind of remote environment that fosters retention and transparency. With that in mind, how you manage your payroll and finances for your growing remote workforce will make all the difference....

Unlimited PTO: Reality vs. Expectations

Unlimited PTO offers flexibility but requires clear guidelines. Learn how it impacts productivity, recruitment, and employee well-being....

Salary vs. Hourly Pay - Which is Better?

Salaries are usually for full-time work, permanent, and with a fixed working pattern. Hourly pay is more common in retail, hospitality and contract-based work where you're hours are flexible week to week....

Unlocking the Power of Attendance Trackers for Small Businesses

Attendance tracking systems streamline employee management, from scheduling to payroll. Discover how IceHrm can revolutionize your small business....

Boosting Employee Retention: HR's Strategic Role

In today's competitive job market, HR plays a pivotal role in retaining employees. From hiring to benefits, HR strategies directly impact retention....

Employee Incentives & Rewards

The topic of tax requirements—both for employers and employees—is fraught and confusing. For many, the complexity means that leaders abandon the idea of employee rewards programs entirely....

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