Mental Health

A collection of 49 posts

"Mental Health" Stories Page 1 of 4  

Quiet Quitting vs Loud Quitting

The first thing to note about Quiet Quitters is that they are not actually leaving their jobs. Quiet Quitters are employees who perform only the bare minimum of what is required of them to keep their jobs....

Understanding the Vitality of Workplace Boundaries

Explore the parallels between setting boundaries at work and in personal relationships, and discover effective strategies to maintain balance....

How To Encourage Fitness In The Workplace

HR manager, you must be able to create a work environment that promotes the professional growth and well-being of your team. This is where workplace fitness comes into play, especially in office-based workplaces where many employees work at desks....

8 Essentials for Employees In a 2024 Workplace

This guide will help you discover what makes your team tick. So buckle up - we're diving into the 8 big things your team looks for at work....

Addressing Workplace Microaggressions: A How-To Guide

Microaggressions in the workplace can lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Combat them with reporting systems and training programs....

Finding Equilibrium: HR's Role in Employee Well-being

Amid rising burnout rates, HR faces dual roles: support & boundaries. Balancing empathy & professionalism crucial for well-being....

Guiding Gen Z: Navigating Career Expectations

Generation Z brings unique expectations to the workplace. Companies must adapt to attract and retain this ambitious, feedback-driven talent....

Strategies for Minimizing Sickness Absences in Your Business

Discover effective strategies to minimize absenteeism in your workplace, from ergonomic improvements to fostering a supportive culture....

Night Shift Operations: Guidelines and Strategies for Success

Discover essential regulations and support strategies for night workers to foster a positive work culture....

How to Forget Work When You're on Holiday

So, if you trust your staff, put decision-making systems in place with a reasonable margin of error. You might be surprised at how well people step up to the responsibility when given important things to do....

Should You Use Your Annual Leave to Travel?

Nothing beats the feeling of closing down your computer on the last day before your holiday. You can practically feel the collective pangs of envy as you set your out-of-office, making sure your desk is neat and tidy as you count down the hours until your well-deserved break....

What's the Ideal Length of a Holiday?

There’s a wide range of research done all over the world into how people and organizations work. Taking regular breaks from work is universally acknowledged to be a good thing for both employees and the companies they work for....

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