stress management

A collection of 11 posts

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From Work Life Balance to Work Life Fit: The New Trend of 2024

The concept of work-life balance has undergone a change! Given the challenges and opportunities of the modern workplace, it is important to understand and adapt to this paradigm shift....

The Importance of Managers: Why They (Really) Matter

Over the tumultuous past few years, they have also taken on the role of a sounding board, a dedicated mentor, a fearless advocate, a trusted advisor, a dedicated coach and a trusted leader....

How to Forget Work When You're on Holiday

So, if you trust your staff, put decision-making systems in place with a reasonable margin of error. You might be surprised at how well people step up to the responsibility when given important things to do....

What's the Ideal Length of a Holiday?

There’s a wide range of research done all over the world into how people and organizations work. Taking regular breaks from work is universally acknowledged to be a good thing for both employees and the companies they work for....

How to Handle Employees Off with Work-Related Stress

We all get stressed at work now and then by a busy day, a looming deadline, or an annoying boss. It’s normally harmless – you get home, glug a glass of wine, inhale a bar of chocolate, and forget about it by the time your head hits the pillow. But when it’s not harmless, it’s a serious problem....

Ice Breakers for Effective Collaboration in Workplace

Whether it’s a professional gathering, informal event, or an online meeting, these icebreaker questions are the best way to unleash your creative powers to forge new connections and create a comfortable atmosphere....

Navigating Mental Health Support in the Workplace

Discover innovative strategies for mental health support in the workplace, from flexible working hours to anonymous mental health days....

How to Be Happier at Work

Not just in terms of how they are decorated but also in terms of how they are arranged depending on the task matters to employee happiness....

How Technology Helps Reduce Stress For HR Teams

Technological innovations make human resources work more efficient and faster. If not used properly, technology can hinder the management of a company's human resources....

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