Think about different working time models such as shorter weeks, flexible working hours, job sharing and home working. They fit people's needs and lifestyles. This makes them more comfortable. This makes your company attractive to a wide range of talents....
You may have heard some fancy recruiting buzzwords. It is important for companies to keep pace with these changes. And understanding these trends helps companies find and retain good employees. So, keep yourself abreast of these changes to improve your workplace....
A streamlined hiring process has a massive impact on employee retention. An organized and straightforward approach leads to happier and more loyal employees, while a bumpy and confusing hiring process leads to employee turnover....
An important factor for success in recruiting is the working environment. You can offer a candidate the best perks, but if they have to work in a hostile work atmosphere, you're likely to lose them....
If your goal is specifically to increase the diversity of the team, you need to set diversity goals. By anonymously collecting information on applicants’ race, gender, or socioeconomic status, you can assess who’s reaching various stages of the hiring pipeline...
Recruitment, or recruiting, is the process of an organization finding new talent to help meet its strategic goals. This can include employer branding, marketing, sourcing, screening, interviewing, negotiating a job offer, and onboarding....
The strategy will likely encompass initiatives driving recruitment, talent development, engagement and retention, performance management, company culture, DEI, and wellness and wellbeing....
HR compliance ensures legal adherence, protects employee rights, and fosters a fair workplace. It's about more than policies—it's about building trust....
Taking the time for headcount planning and creating a hiring planning strategy is incredibly important. Be it annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, getting all the team leaders together to discuss and understand how each team will grow and develop is key to sustainable growth....
With such a high attrition rate, Uber lost key talent – causing leaders to spend more resources on hiring and training rather than focusing on the business....
Human Resources Development (HRD) refers to uncovering and nurturing latent talents within individuals in an organization. This enables them to perform new tasks efficiently and benefit both themselves and the company....