

Dilanka is a Business Development Manager at IceHrm. You can contact her at dil[at]icehrm.org.  

Dilanka's Stories Page 1 of 24  

How to Write an Employee Attendance Policy That Actually Works

In this blogpost, we will explore the fundamental elements of creating a straightforward attendance policy that not only adheres to legal requirements but also aligns with the unique needs of your organization....

Do Hourly Employees Get Paid Time Off?

Imagine you're an hourly employee, juggling life and work. Not having the cushion of PTO means you might need to choose between making rent and taking care of a sick child. That's not a choice anyone should have to make....

Enhancing Communication with Employee Scheduling: The Key to Retention

Effective communication in the workplace is essential for a number of reasons. Not only does it enhance employee morale, it can help employees feel more valued and supported....

Still Creating Your Work schedule in Excel? Here's 5 Reason Why its Time For a Change!

we'll delve into the reasons why it's time to rethink your reliance on Excel for scheduling and embrace a change that could revolutionize how you manage projects, your workforce and, ultimately, contribute to your business success....

Top Employee Motivation Theories Every Manager Should Know

Before we dive head first into these motivational theories, let's get a quick lay of the land. At their core, motivation theories are frameworks that help us understand why we do what we do....

How to Create Productivity KPIs: A Guide + Real World Examples

Ever heard the saying, "You can't manage what you can't measure"? This is the essence of productivity KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), the essential metrics that help quantify and enhance team performance....

7 Common Payroll Management mistakes And How to Prevent Them

Payroll errors, as we've established, are more than just administrative missteps – they are breaches of trust. But how do we reinforce and fortify our payroll processes to ensure accuracy and efficiency?...

Cultural Fit Interview Questions to Find the Right Candidate

If there is one thing that hiring managers learn over time, it is that cultural fit matters. As hard as you work to find someone with just the right credentials, a poor cultural fit can lead to turnover just as quick as an unskilled hire....

Payroll Schedule: Which One Makes Sense For Your Business?

In this blogpost, we aim to simplify the complexity surrounding payroll schedules. We'll guide you through the available options, making it easy to understand the various schedule types to pay employees and their impact on your business....

Recognize and Prevent Stages of Burnout at Work: A Must-Read

As workplaces evolve, phrases like "chronic stress" and "burnout symptoms" have become all too common. As HR managers and small business owners, you're juggling too many tasks and too many responsibilities....

Gamification in The Workplace: 7 Ways to Boosts Employee Engagement

We'll explore the psychology that makes it so effective, hear from companies that have successfully implemented it, and arm you with practical tips to roll out your own gamification strategies....

How to Deal with Employees Who Are Late For Work

Dealing with late employees should be handled using a strategic triple approach. The first step is to establish your policy for attendance and punctuality. The second is to remain flexible and compassionate in the face of unforeseen emergencies....

12 Best Ways to Handle Scheduling Conflicts: A Guide for HR Managers

Scheduling conflicts are an inevitable part of modern work life. Whether it's an overlapping meeting, a resource clash, or a last-minute emergency, these conflicts can wreak havoc on productivity and workplace morale....

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