Absenteeism policy

Internal participation guidelines, including planned and unplanned holidays, discipline in relation to non-participation and expectations of general attendance at work.

"Absenteeism policy" Stories Page 1 of 1  

8 Performance Management Tips for Leaders

Master the art of performance management with tips and best practices to boost employee motivation, goal alignment, and continuous improvement....

A Guide to Paternity Leave in the UK

Paternity leave is often misunderstood. Is it equal to maternity leave? How much time off are dads entitled to? Can it be extended? We like to keep things simple here, so you'll find some straightforward answers below....

5 Ways to Strike the Right Balance With Absence Management

Don't keep the information your system gives you to yourself. If you share them openly with employees, they will understand why it is important to keep absence under control and will be much more willing to support the measures you put in place....

Absence Management and Why It’s Important

It's important to have a plan for dealing with absent employees, as having too many employees absent at the same time can be disruptive and costly....

Enhance Your Absence Management with the Power of HR Software

Absenteeism can be a sign of a lack of commitment from employees or that they feel overworked. It could be a problem within a particular department or manager, or a chronic illness that has not yet been recognized....

Absenteeism in the Organization

What is absenteeism? It's not just about occasionally being absent from work for a day or two. While your employer's definition may vary, absenteeism generally refers...

Reasons why do you need an employee absence management system

When we talk about our absence management software, we often say that it will make such a big difference to your business that you will wonder...

Advantages and disadvantages of leave management systems

Many managers complained about the time and effort required to process employee leave, process individual leave information, and ensure compliance with the company’s leave policy....

An effective way to manage employee leaves

The term “Leave management” means that employees request leave from work and supervisors grant or deny leave based on human resource policies in an organization. Managing...

Advantages of an Automated Human Resource Management System

The HR landscape is undergoing unprecedented changes due to technological change. Whether they meet the expectations of highly qualified specialists or regulatory requirements, HR technologies have...

How to select a better leave tracking system

Leave management, if it is badly organized, it will be a very time-consuming process even in small teams. To apply for leave, to approve it, to...

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