HRM Software

A human resources management system (HRMS) or human resources information system (HRIS) or human capital management (HCM) is a form of human resources software that combines a number of systems and processes to provide easy management of people, business processes and data.

"HRM Software" Stories Page 1 of 6  

How Managers Can Use AI to Accelerate Their Employees' Growth

How does AI apply to HR management, exactly? Depending on the software, today’s AI tools offer many possible applications for familiar processes — from talent recruitment to performance management to workforce planning....

Employee Pay Analysis & Navigating Compensation Discussions

Compensation benchmarking ensures fair pay for employees, attracting top talent and fostering satisfaction. Learn how to navigate this vital process....

15 Benefits of Employee Monitoring and How You Can Use It

Companies have attempted to track their employees' activities, especially during work hours to ensure that employees are doing the right thing at the right time....

What Is An HRIS System?

A human resources information system is, simply put, an HR software package. A company's HRIS system is used to collect and store data about employees....

Understanding HRIS: Benefits & Functions

HRIS, or Human Resources Information Systems, automate HR tasks for greater efficiency. It centralizes data, streamlines processes, and enhances decision-making....

HR for Small Businesses vs. Big-Business HR

The biggest difference between HR in small and large companies is the internal and external perception of skills and positive influence....

Is It a Waste of Time to Send Personalized Messages to Candidates?

AI can analyze candidate information, including role, company, career path, and interests, to create relevant communication and foster a responsive mindset....

Best Document Management Software of 2024

This is becoming more and more crucial as the idea of a paperless office becomes more commonplace, especially in light of the rise in telecommuting....


Deputy is a multi-award winning workforce management tool. With Deputy you can complete staff schedules in minutes and then publish them to your team with a...

APS Payroll

APS has a mission: to make payroll and HR easier. We provide our clients and partners with intuitive technology delivered with personalized service and support. Our...


Pingboard is a better way to build, manage and share your Org Chart. Browse your organization with a beautiful, dynamic org chart, filled with photos of...


Kudos is a corporate social network and peer-to-peer employee recognition system for organizations with more than 250 employees. If you care about your team, culture, and...

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