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7 Strategies HR Teams Can Use to Manage Workplace Stress

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Stress is unfortunately a part of working life - but there are steps you can take as an HR professional to mitigate the impact on employees in your business and reduce workplace stress.

Below, we take a look at the prevalence of workplace stress in the UK and highlight seven ways HR teams can manage workplace stress - from having the right HR software to fostering a positive culture.

What causes workplace stress?

In 2023, we surveyed 256 people in senior roles and found that 98% of respondents were stressed by at least one thing at work. The main causes of stress in general include:

  • The cost of living crisis
  • High inflation/rising prices
  • Workplace exhaustion/burnout
  • Economic downturn/recession
  • Workload/to-do lists

And it's not just the leaders who are stressed. A study we conducted in September 2021 found that work is one of the biggest causes of stress in the UK, even for those who are not in management roles. 79% of UK adults admitted to feeling stressed at least once a month, with the majority (84%) saying work was to blame in some way.

Other stressors that impact productivity and employee satisfaction at work include:

  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Money worries
  • Health issues
  • Family issues

Another IceHrm study from 2019 found that more than half (54%) of workers often arrive at work already stressed. Almost half (45%) blamed their daily commute for their pre-work stress.

Signs of Workplace Stress

Look out for the following signs that indicate your employees are stressed and on the verge of burnout:

  • Increased absenteeism or frequent sick days
  • Decreasing productivity or quality of work
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Irritability, mood swings, or noticeable changes in behavior
  • Withdrawal from social interactions or team activities
  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, or fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping or changes in sleep habits
  • Increased use of substances such as alcohol or tobacco
  • Expression of feelings of being overwhelmed, anxious, or hopeless
  • Difficulty managing time or meeting deadlines

Of course, there may be times when employees show no outward signs of stress, so it's important to check in with your employees regularly about their mental health. You can also let them know that your door is always open if they need a chat.

How can employers reduce workplace stress?

The above numbers may seem concerning - but thankfully, there are a variety of solutions that employers can use to reduce stress in the workplace. However, the success of these solutions depends on a capable, experienced HR team that is able to encourage stress reduction measures and support managers in reducing employee stress levels.

Below are seven recommendations for HR professionals that can help them manage employee stress in the workplace.

1.Employ the right tools

Implementing the right online HR system can significantly improve the effectiveness of HR professionals in managing employee stress in the workplace. Software like IceHrm HR provides streamlined processes for managing employee data, time off requests, performance reviews and more. This automation reduces the administrative burden on HR teams and allows them to devote more time and resources to improving employee well-being.

HR software often includes features like real-time analytics and reports that help HR professionals quickly identify stress triggers, patterns and problem areas. By having actionable insights, HR can proactively address stressors within the organization and implement targeted interventions and support mechanisms.

For example, IceHrm HR offers sentiment analysis. Once a week when employees log in, a series of faces appear with expressions ranging from very sad to very happy. Employees then have the opportunity to select how they are feeling that week. Our HR team monitors this and if someone selects one of the sad faces, they get in touch with the person to see how they are doing.

“Our mood flags are a quick and confidential way for our colleagues to let us know they need extra support or a check-in, knowing that if they submit a bad or very bad mood flag, a member of the HR team will get in touch with them,” says our HR Coordinator Megan Sharpe.

Gwenan West, Head of HR, agrees, adding: “Mood indicators are a useful indicator of employee well-being. They can be tracked and reported at board level, providing the HR team with solid data to support and manage our well-being strategy.”

Self-service features in HR software such as IceHrm allow employees to access resources, seek support and manage their own schedules, promoting a sense of control and reducing the stress associated with administrative processes.

2.Promoting a healthy work-life balance

By encouraging reasonable working hours and supporting the use of paid time off, HR enables its employees to switch off and recharge, ultimately reducing burnout and stress. For example, HR can actively encourage short breaks and long lunch breaks during the working day to ensure employees have time to rest and rejuvenate. IceHrm HR helps with this too - reminders about outstanding holiday balances are sent to both employees and managers so no time is lost.

Offering flexible working arrangements, such as remote working or adjusted working hours, accommodates personal commitments and helps employees better manage their work and personal obligations. At IceHrm, for example, many of our employees take advantage of flexible working arrangements - be it working from home, part-time, flextime or something else.

HR can lead by example by setting clear boundaries for after-hours communication and respecting employees' personal time, demonstrating the company's commitment to promoting a healthy work-life balance. They should also model these behaviors by, for example, not responding to emails or instant messages outside of business hours and including their work hours in their email signatures.

3.Promote physical wellbeing

Promoting physical activity through initiatives such as on-site fitness facilities, subsidized gym memberships or wellness competitions can improve employees' physical health. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce stress by releasing endorphins and improving overall mood.

HR can organize wellness workshops that educate employees on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and cover topics such as nutrition, exercise routines and stress-reducing activities. By promoting a culture of physical well-being, HR teams motivate employees to prioritise their health, resulting in reduced stress levels and greater resilience when dealing with workplace pressures. This not only contributes to a healthier and happier workforce, but also increases productivity and engagement.

Here at IceHrm, for example, we offer a range of initiatives to promote physical well-being, including a cycle to work scheme, gym loans, a National Trust family membership, and health, dental and flu vaccinations.

“We have worked hard to promote a better work-life balance and physical and mental well-being,” says West. “Last year we introduced free National Trust family memberships for all employees. This has become one of our most popular offers, with over 50% of our employees taking up this benefit.”

4.Prioritize mental health and accommodate neurodiverse employees

HR should strive to create an inclusive environment where employees feel comfortable talking about mental health issues and neurodivergent conditions. They can also offer employee assistance programs (EAPs) that give employees access to mental health professionals and resources to manage personal and work-related stressors - this is something we do here at IceHrm and we've received a lot of positive feedback.

"In my role as HR consultant at IceHrm, I recommend that employees use our EAP to support them with a range of issues," says Katie Allen. "Partnering with an EAP allows mental health professionals to gain a better understanding of employees' concerns and give them tools they can use. Colleagues have said they appreciate being able to get confidential support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Promoting open dialogue reduces stigma and allows HR to make necessary adjustments and supports. For example, flexible working hours, quiet spaces, or the ability to work remotely for employees with anxiety or autism spectrum disorders can alleviate workplace stress.

5.Helping to teach financial literacy

By providing resources, workshops, or access to financial advisors, HR can help employees better manage their finances, reducing the financial stress that often translates into anxiety in the workplace.

At IceHrm, for example, we partner with financial experts to offer free mortgage advice to help employees navigate the complex process of buying a home and managing a mortgage.

“We are excited to be able to offer this benefit as we believe this is something that can support all of our employees, regardless of their demographic - especially in the current climate where rising mortgage costs are affecting so many of us,” West said. “Every little thing we can do to help our colleagues with living expenses is worth the effort it takes to find benefits like this.”

Hosting seminars on budgeting, investing, or debt management gives employees the knowledge and tools to make informed financial decisions, which ultimately reduces financial worries.

6.Establish clear communication channels

Transparent and accessible communication fosters an environment where employees feel heard, valued, and supported. HR can implement regular team meetings, suggestion boxes, or anonymous surveys to encourage open dialogue. For example, HR can organize town hall meetings where employees can voice their concerns and ask questions—we do this at IceHrm with a monthly company-wide meeting.

HR can also provide platforms through which employees can communicate directly with management to ensure their thoughts and ideas are heard. By facilitating effective communication and addressing concerns promptly, HR helps reduce uncertainty and anxiety and creates a more harmonious and less stressful work environment for employees.

7.Promote a positive workplace culture

A positive culture fosters an environment of trust, collaboration and mutual respect, and provides a solid foundation for employee well-being. HR can organize team-building events, encourage social interactions and promote open communication to improve employee relationships and job satisfaction. For example, team dinners, theme days with costumes or volunteering not only promote cohesion but also reduce work-related stress by giving employees the opportunity to step away from their regular tasks and enjoy a relaxed atmosphere.

Recognizing and celebrating achievements, milestones or birthdays shows appreciation and boosts morale, which contributes to a positive work environment. Here at IceHrm, we do this in a number of ways:

  • An employee of the month initiative, IceHrm Heroes, where once a month we publicly honor individuals who actively live our values
  • Birthday days off
  • Praise and positive feedback for and from colleagues in our IceHrm Teams chat
  • Company-wide events
  • Two days off per year for volunteering

Making workplace stress a thing of the past

Putting employee well-being first is not only the right thing to do, but it is a strategic move that positively impacts a company's productivity and success. HR teams play a central role in shaping a workplace culture that promotes mental, physical and financial health and ultimately reduces employee stress. By providing tools and resources and fostering an environment of understanding and support, HR leaders empower individuals to manage stress effectively.

A company that invests in the holistic well-being of its employees not only attracts top talent, but also cultivates a loyal, productive workforce that thrives in a positive and nurturing environment. Incorporating these stress management strategies will undoubtedly pave the way for happier, healthier, and more productive workplaces as HR continues to evolve.

By prioritizing employee well-being and implementing these strategies, HR teams can significantly reduce workplace stress, fostering a positive and productive environment. With IceHrm's support, managing stress becomes seamless, paving the way for happier, healthier workplaces.

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