Employee Health and Safety

A collection of 23 posts

"Employee Health and Safety" Stories Page 1 of 2  

5 Essential Steps for Conducting Employment Background Checks

Finding the right candidates for your small business can be challenging. Conducting a background check helps ensure you get a full picture of each applicant's history before making a job offer....

Advantages of Providing Paid Family Leave

Only 21% of US workers have access to paid parental leave, impacting mental health and gender equality. Learn why it's crucial to offer support....

Boost Efficiency & Retention: 7 Time Management Strategies

Struggling with productivity and retention? Explore these 7 time management strategies to boost efficiency and morale....

9 Simple Strategies to Cut Employee Overtime

Learn 9 effective ways to reduce employee overtime, from smart scheduling to clear policies, promoting a healthier work environment....

Unveiling the Scientific Foundations of Employee Happiness

Discover the science-backed pillars of employee happiness, from resilience-building to meaningful relationships, and unlock a workplace transformation with IceHrm....

The Significance of Absence Management in Employee Well-being

Transform your workplace with IceHrm – your partner in transparent policies, accurate tracking, and proactive support for effective absence management....

A Guide for HR Leaders in Mastering Salary and Benefit Negotiations

Explore effective HR negotiation strategies for salary and benefits. Learn essential tips and legal considerations. Elevate your HR game with IceHrm....

Juggling Responsibilities: A Guide to Achieving Work-Life Balance

Do you feel like you never have enough time to get everything done? Do you feel like your work responsibilities often conflict with your personal responsibilities?...

Delivering the Benefits and Perks Your Employees Truly Desire

In today's competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is more challenging than ever. Beyond just a competitive salary, employees are increasingly looking for comprehensive...

5 Ways to Make Employees Feel Appreciated

Praise and acknowledgment are essential elements of a diverse work culture and environment. It takes a team to get a business off the ground and keep...

How to Prevent Employee Burnout

Employee burnout is a concern even when things are going well, let alone when things are going badly. Burnout at work manifests itself in lower productivity,...

Health Insurance Trends in 2020 for Small Businesses

Trends in health insurance for small businessesTo remain competitive in an increasingly tight market, small businesses must develop sophisticated benefit strategies to attract and retain top...

3 Ways in Which Poor Office Hygiene Could Cost Your Business

Hygiene in the workplace should not be an afterthought.Did you know that one in four workers does not wash his hands after going to the...

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