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Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder at Work: A Guide for All

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Shorter daylight hours can trigger depression in some workers. Our guide to managing seasonal affective disorder in the workplace will help you get through the winter well

If you find your mood deteriorates as the days get shorter, or you find it harder to complete simple tasks after the clocks go back, you may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder. However, you need the support of your manager and colleagues to manage your symptoms, take preventative measures and cope with the difficult months ahead.

Remember: If you feel you are suffering from seasonal affective disorder or any other form of depression or mental health issues, please seek professional help. The information in this article should not be taken as medical advice.

What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

According to the NHS, SAD is a form of depression that comes and goes seasonally, with most sufferers experiencing more severe symptoms in the winter months (although some are affected in the summer too).

The exact cause of SAD is not yet known, but it is thought that the lack of sunlight affects the sufferer's internal clock and lowers the levels of hormones such as melatonin and serotonin, making them feel irritable, tired, worthless and depressed. It is also thought that some people are more susceptible to SAD due to their genes. Seasonal affective disorder affects both adults and children.

How common is seasonal affective disorder?

The prevalence of seasonal affective disorder depends on a country's latitude and can affect between 1.5% and 9% of a country's population. It is estimated that around one in twenty people are affected by SAD, and in Northern Europe, more than 12 million.

What are the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder?

Seasonal affective disorder can manifest itself in different ways and to different degrees, but the most common symptoms include:

  • A persistent low mood
  • Loss of pleasure or interest in normal daily activities
  • Irritability
  • Feelings of despair, guilt and worthlessness
  • Lethargy (lack of energy) and tiredness during the day
  • Sleeping longer than normal and difficulty getting up in the morning
  • Feeling unsociable
  • Overeating

These symptoms can have a significant impact on work life and ability to be productive.

Is seasonal affective disorder a disability?

Seasonal affective disorder is a form of depression. Depression is recognised as a disability under the Equality Act 2010 if it has a long-term impact on a person's daily activities. 'Long-term' is usually defined as a period of more than 12 months. Employers and managers should be careful to treat people suffering from seasonal affective disorder in the same way as people with other forms of depression.

The impact of seasonal affective disorder in the workplace

Long working days and less daylight in the UK during the winter months mean that many office workers are likely not getting enough sunlight, which worsens symptoms for those affected. People with SAD may call in sick more often, find it harder to concentrate on their work, lack energy and be unable to perform at their best.

HR can identify trends in absence if managers and employees carefully record sickness absence in HR software or specialist absence management software. You should also require managers to have return-to-work conversations to ensure employees are fit and healthy to return to work, and encourage open conversations about what adjustments may be needed to ensure employees experiencing seasonal affective disorder are adequately supported.

Managing seasonal affective disorder in the workplace: advice for managers and employees

As with so many workplace well-being challenges, culture and communication are key. You need to promote mental health awareness in your organisation and build trusting relationships between managers and employees so that employees feel safe to talk about their difficulties.

Rohan Kallicharan, former head of HR and talent at Receipt Bank and Mind ambassador, said in a 2020 conversation with IceHrm that listening to employees who suffer from SAD is crucial.

“Being human means we listen to our teams and empower them to maximise their well-being and potential, and that means asking them to tell us how that impacts us and we really want to hear their response,” he said. "Like everything we do as HR, it's about finding solutions that allow our employees to thrive, and SAD, like any other mental health condition, is about finding solutions, not just challenges.

Kallicharan added: "When we are compassionate and try to understand, people feel like they belong. That's especially important at a time when often little else makes sense."

Educating yourself about SAD and mental health in general can help employees feel supported and cope with the effects of seasonal affective disorder in the workplace. Amrit Sandhar, founder of The Engagement Coach, says that while it's "easy to dismiss people with SAD by telling them to get their act together" or "get over it," SAD is a form of depression and should be treated as such. Raising awareness of SAD in the workplace means employees know they have someone to turn to, motivating them to seek help and advice. Promoting support and services from charities such as Mind or your Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider if you have one is a good first step.

Remember that office layout can have a significant impact on productivity, so if you have the opportunity, consider changing your office layout to improve the availability of natural daylight. According to Mind's Workplace Wellbeing Index 2017/18, over a quarter of employers (26%) do not have natural daylight in all their work spaces.

If it's not possible to redesign the workplace, it might make more sense to install bright full-spectrum lamps in poorly lit areas, which have been shown to reduce symptoms of mild depression. You could also encourage your employees to get regular exercise - especially outdoors - and to get away from their desks during lunch breaks. Supporting flexible working arrangements and allowing remote working can help employees take these breaks and move more during the working day.

IceHrm HR software helps you manage absences

If you're looking for HR systems to help you manage, track and evaluate absences, look no further than IceHrm. Our HR software helps managers and employees enter absence types - including mental health issues such as seasonal depression - and record the results of return-to-work conversations and next steps. In addition, you can use our sentiment analysis tool to check your employees' satisfaction at work.

Managing seasonal affective disorder requires awareness and support. IceHrm offers tools to track and manage absences, ensuring employees receive the necessary support to thrive, even during challenging seasons.

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