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Dilanka Dilanka is a Business Development Manager at IceHrm. You can contact her at dil[at]

How Your HR Team Can Make the Case for Better Recruitment Practices: 7 Different Ideas

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Encouraging top-level decision makers to allow HR team members a greater degree of input on recruitment practices can be tough to achieve cleanly.

Fortunately, there are effective strategies that allow you to advocate for necessary changes without disrupting current operations. Here are practical ideas to implement if you're facing resistance or stagnation. Leveraging advanced hiring software can facilitate smooth transitions and support organizational change management efforts seamlessly.

Building a Solid Business Case

Being advocates for improved recruitment processes starts with building a solid business case because it sets the groundwork for change.

Your HR team needs to quantify the benefits and potential returns of better recruitment practices. Use data such as past hiring successes, industry benchmarks, or workplace studies that support your claims.

It’s also helpful to tie in how new practices can align with overall company objectives. For example, hiring efficiencies may decrease cost per hire which boosts profitability. Presenting this information in clear terms will help.

If you’re looking for some compelling stats to support your arguments, consider the following:

  • Each new hire costs businesses $4,700 on average, according to the Society for Human Resource Management.
  • The collective cost of employee turnover is $1 trillion annually, according to Gallup.
  • 74% of CEOs are investing in upskilling their workforce, according to PwC. So if your decision-makers are not onboard with this aspect of recruitment and retention, they should take heed of their peers.

Aligning Recruitment Strategies with Goals

Effective talent acquisition begins by aligning your recruitment strategies with the organization’s broader goals.

Think about what your company wants to achieve in the next quarter, fiscal year, or even five years down the line. Then consider how an optimized recruitment process can support these objectives.

For instance, if you’re expanding into new markets, you’ll need top performers who are adaptable and culturally competent.

Meanwhile, if you want to be more innovative, focusing on candidates with unique skill sets and creative problem-solving abilities could be beneficial.

Aligning strategy with objectives not only streamlines hiring but also ensures that each recruit contributes value towards business outcomes effectively.

Using High-Quality Recruitment Analytics Software

With the right recruitment analytics software, your HR team can gain precious insights into what’s working and what isn’t within your hiring process.

Such tools offer a data-driven approach, giving you clear metrics related to candidate sourcing channels, time-to-fill roles, cost-per-hire as well as selection ratios. These figures are not just numbers, but powerful narratives that show the true state of your recruiting.

For example, you might find that if you’re taking too long to fill positions, it could be because certain sources don’t yield high-quality candidates fast enough. Identifying these gaps in real-time with high-quality recruitment software analytics means you can make immediate adjustments for better outcomes.

Leveraging Employee Testimonials for Impact

One of the most powerful ways your HR team can make a case for improved recruitment practices is by leveraging existing employee testimonials. Not only do these stories humanize the process, but they also demonstrate firsthand the impact of effective hiring. And as a report from Edelman shows, 93% of Gen-Z employees are influenced by their colleagues more than those higher up the food chain, so having authentic feedback available is particularly relevant when winning over the new generation of team members.

Ask satisfied employees who’ve experienced benefits from good recruiting and onboarding to share their stories, pinpointing how being accurately matched with a position has influenced their productivity or job satisfaction, perhaps.

These testimonials can range from anecdotal evidence to quantitative data showing performance metrics improvements. Packaging these narratives into compelling presentations could influence decision-makers more convincingly than dry reports.

Driving Candidate Experience Improvements

Candidate experience plays an integral role in attracting and retaining top talent. Bad experiences, such as poor communication during the recruitment process or a disorganized interview, can tarnish your company’s reputation and deter high-quality candidates.

Worse still, it can cost you significantly, with Deloitte pointing out that larger organizations can end up paying out over $7.6 million in wages on top of existing costs in order to counteract poor experiences and reputational issues.

As such, enhancing these touchpoints should be central to any argument for improving recruitment practices.

Engage potential hires from their first point of contact through to post-interview follow-ups. Even those you don’t hire should leave with a positive impression of your company culture.

Highlighting how improvements in candidate experience can ripple outwards, bolstering both employer branding and the quality of applicants, is an effective strategy to add to your HR team’s advocacy toolbox.

Promoting Company Culture and Values

The people you hire should not only have the skills for the job but also fit seamlessly into your company’s culture. This alignment promotes greater employee satisfaction, increased productivity, and reduced turnover rates.

Highlighting how effective recruitment practices can better assess cultural fit is a compelling argument for improvement.

Enhancing such assessments might involve introducing new interviewing techniques or refining job descriptions to better reflect your company’s values.

Showcasing examples of teams that thrive in a harmonious work environment due to shared ethos could further convince decision-makers about the merits of this approach.

Involving Decision-Makers

Last but not least, involve key decision-makers early and often in the process. Convincing them to champion better recruitment practices will dramatically increase your chances of success.

Identify those who have influence over resources or understand the strategic importance of quality hiring, like senior executives or finance leaders, and ensure their perspectives are incorporated into your proposed solutions.

You could arrange regular updates, host collaborative workshops, or organize a presentation demonstrating potential long-term impacts on company performance.

Engaging these stakeholders proactively and making them partners in this change initiative lets you improve both understanding and buy-in for innovative recruiting practices.

The Last Word

When you invest in solid HR strategies such as building a thorough business case, aligning strategies with goals, leveraging testimonials for impact, improving candidate experiences, promoting company culture and value alignment, and actively engaging decision-makers, you’re setting yourself up for growth.

Every organizational change you make today can hold powerful implications for the future sustainability and prosperity of your company. Don’t underestimate the power of effective hiring, as it could be your secret weapon to outperform competition and drive innovation within the industry.

These are all elements that HR teams can take with them as they strive to convince higher-ups that recruitment practices deserve to be improved, expanded upon and invested in. You’re not alone in this battle, so as well as bringing strong arguments, make sure you have hard evidence to support them as well.

Ultimately, the strength of your recruitment practices directly impacts overall business success. Let the best solution which is IceHrm to assist you.

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