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Masha Masha is a content developer at IceHrm. You can contact her at masha[at]

Virtual Team Success: Strategies for Collaboration

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Virtual teams are quickly becoming the new normal in many workplaces. This can be seen as a good thing as it creates a more efficient work environment that offers an exceptional work-life balance.

However, virtual work creates more distance between team members.

This can be a problem when it comes to synergy, coordination and team building, especially since there are no physical spaces for members to connect, communicate and socialize with each other.

That's why companies have found ways to improve collaboration in virtual teams and boost morale.

Below are some of the best strategies for better and more effective collaboration in virtual teams.

1.Select suitable means of communication

There are now a wealth of options for companies to communicate online. Some of the most common internet-based applications used for communication are Discord, Trello, and Miro.

Choose a communication tool that works best for your business. It should be accessible to the entire team.

You can also consider the features of these applications and consider which ones are more popular with the age groups you work with. This will help them feel comfortable using the means of communication you plan to use.

The way you use these tools is also crucial. It's important to strike a balance between communicating efficiently and avoiding over communication and micromanaging the team.

Reliable communication tools are a great way to connect with your team, include them in discussions, and improve collaboration between your colleagues.

2.Introduce flexible working hours

More and more people are choosing to work remotely because it allows them to achieve a better work-life balance, provided work doesn't interfere with their personal schedules.

Research shows that 34% of employees and 40% of employers believe that introducing flexible working hours is seen as one of the biggest benefits for remote workers.

That's why flexible working hours are important to accommodate team members' different time zones and personal schedules.

The flexibility allows the team to set personal appointments that fit around what they can manage in their day-to-day lives. It also helps them to better combine personal needs and work.

Flexible working hours also help prevent team burnout, especially as they have more time for self-care and addressing personal needs and concerns.

This will also help you have a more productive team in the long term as they will be able to make the most of their working time and increase their productivity knowing they have the rest of the day to look forward to.

3.Use effective project management tools

There are many ways to track and manage your team's progress. The most common are online productivity tools like Evernote and Trello.

These tools help you know who is currently handling each task, what deadlines need to be met, and what you can do to better complete the tasks at hand.

They also ensure that your team does not become overloaded or run out of tasks. You can quickly move tasks around and know when to set deadlines for each team member.

You may also consider using software to monitor your team's progress. Eight of the 10 largest U.S. companies have adopted such tools to track the individual activities of their remote team. This way you can ensure that every member is productive.

These tools need to be easy to integrate and fit into an employee’s workflow. This enables seamless transitions between team members and ensures tasks are routed to the right person at the right time.

This also ensures that your team monitors these tools when necessary and takes responsibility for improving their productivity at work, as their efforts help make the lives of other teams and the entire company easier.

4.Foster a strong virtual team culture

Occasional team building activities can help build friendships and improve collaboration with your colleagues, especially in a remote environment where you may not even know what your teammates look like.

Virtual team building activities have become increasingly popular as they provide a space for people to come together despite the distance.

There are many team-building ideas you can try, from a fact-finding competition to a virtual Olympics, to ignite the competitive spirit in individual members.

These activities are a fun way to encourage members to work together in different situations. They allow everyone to contribute in ways they normally wouldn't due to their role in the company.

It's also a great way to boost everyone's confidence and team spirit while getting to know each other in a more casual setting.

5.Encourage a performance-based approach

People work better when they are treated fairly and given credit when it is due. This raises morale and encourages them and those around them to improve.

This also creates a healthy working and learning environment in which team members can be inspired and motivated by the actions of their colleagues despite their physical distance.

It's often helpful to publicly acknowledge and praise in team meetings or on your digital platforms to show that the hard work of members contributing is noticed and valued.

Recognizing colleagues and providing reviews can also help improve work performance and ensure their contributions to the company are recognized.

These small positive actions help team members feel like they belong and are making a real difference in their area of work.

Because without them, no tasks get done and the company goes down the drain.

6.Make clear and effective communication a priority

It is not enough to have the necessary communication tools to get the job done. It is important to communicate clearly and effectively with each other to avoid mistakes and prevent misunderstandings within the team.

In a virtual environment, it is important to express yourself accurately, especially when giving instructions and corrections on tasks and projects.

If things are unclear via your application's chat, a phone call can be a good way to further communicate your needs and instructions, as long as it fits into both of your schedules.

Clear and effective communication is also important when it comes to sharing problems and resolving them in the workplace.

As a team, you need to be open to addressing these issues and coming together to solve them, whether they involve customers, work practices, or even teammates.

Finding ways to communicate better than just a simple chat will help you do more than just your job. It helps you connect better with your team and promotes cohesion in your tasks.

7.Support and train remote leaders

Leaders are important for every team. However, remote leaders must endure the stress of dealing with people who are far away from them, often in different time zones and countries, which can be challenging.

Training these leaders and providing them with the support they need to lead their teams to success is critical.

Encourage them to find ways to connect with their team, Have quick virtual activities they can do together, or have them do check-ins to let their team know they're doing a good job.

When they learn the importance of working as both a manager and an equal partner, they can better manage their team and lead them to new successes.

Key insights for the success of virtual teams

There are many ways to ensure collaboration within a team, even if it is a team that works remotely.

Even though distance seems to be a big problem, technology and people have evolved to keep up with the advances and changes in our working lives and even take advantage of the opportunities that online work brings.

It is our job to use the tools at our disposal and take the initiative to better communicate and collaborate with each other so that our companies can operate successfully.

Investing in effective collaboration tools like IceHrm enhances virtual team productivity and fosters a cohesive work culture. Embrace remote work dynamics for sustainable success.

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