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Masha Masha is a content developer at IceHrm. You can contact her at masha[at]

Exploring the Advantages and Disadvantages of a PTO Policy

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On the surface, it's hard to argue with the value of a paid time off (PTO) policy. Unlike previous concepts of time off from work, a solid PTO policy today combines vacation days, sick days, personal days, mental health days, and any other type of time off you can think of.

Having a single bank of days for employees to draw from when taking paid time off from work is nice and easy. In addition, employees can use their days off as they wish without having to reveal the exact reasons. This is a step towards treating employees like adults who can plan their own lives! Not to mention, you no longer have to monitor how employees use their PTO - one less time-consuming task on your to-do list.

Ultimately, a strong PTO policy can be beneficial for employees and companies. The trick, of course, lies in the quality of your policy.

Protection of employees and employers

A good PTO policy takes many factors into account to protect employees and employers alike.

The foundation of most PTO policies is protecting employee privacy. Employees who may not have taken required PTO because the reasons seemed too private or personal can simply use PTO at their own discretion. This can do wonders for improving work-life balance and career flexibility. This also eliminates the dynamic where employees have to ask for “permission” to take PTO. Instead, as long as they follow the rules set out in the policy, they can request and get the time they need.

Since the employer and the needs of the company also need to be protected, you should definitely set up certain guidelines. For example, you might require employees to request PTO at least two days in advance (or more), except, of course, in emergencies or unforeseen illness. Before you make your PTO policy official, you should also establish other policies for sick, vacation, and personal time. Clarity is key, so avoid being vague about when and how employees should apply for PTO. For example, indicate the periods during which PTO cannot be requested (except in emergencies) and specify how much advance notice must be given.

Fun fact: Did you know that paid vacation accounts for, on average, about 7% of a company's personnel costs, third only to wages and insurance? Make sure you crunch these numbers to make sure you're able to stick to the PTO policy you set!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of paid time off?

Since the government has no official rules for granting time off, how you offer it to your employees largely depends on your company culture. However, since there is no magic formula that will ensure you protect your company's interests while offering a fair arrangement for your employees, the following pros and cons can help steer you in the right direction.

Advantages :

  • Equality. With a bank PTO policy, all employees receive the same number of days off. It doesn't matter if one employee takes an extended vacation while another takes extra time to care for a sick relative: everyone still has equal access to PTO. Some companies instead opt for a PTO policy, which allows employees to earn PTO based on the number of hours worked or length of service. This creates a less "equal" dynamic, but the opportunity to earn PTO is still theoretically open to everyone.
  • Data protection. This point bears repeating. If an employee needs a certain number of sick days or personal days, they can allocate their PTO as they see fit without having to explain to their employer how they organized their time.
  • A competitive advantage. Some employees value a generous PTO package more than a higher salary, which can give you a competitive advantage in certain industries. However, think carefully about implementing an unlimited PTO policy, as employees tend to take too much vacation and end up chronically underusing such plans.
  • Simplicity. Employers and HR managers don't have to go through the tedious and time-consuming work of keeping track of sick days, personal days and vacation days. Instead, managing a PTO plan is as simple as noting when an employee uses their accrued days. Employees also don't have to lie if they have used one type of vacation day or another but still need to take a day.


  • Mismanagement. It's up to employees to organize their free time, but this responsibility suits some better than others. For some, it can be difficult to plan ahead or make the most of their free time. Some employees may be inclined to take fewer vacation days so they can still access PTO in an emergency. Others use all of their PTO days to take an extended vacation (if your policies allow it), without considering the possibility of unforeseen circumstances that require PTO.
  • Not an official vacation. While having the same number of days off or the same number of accrued vacation days promotes equality, the reality is that different employees have very different PTO needs. Because there are no "official" vacation days, an employee with children or a sick relative may use up most of their PTO on sick days. As a result, they are likely to be more prone to burnout and exhaustion.
  • Unused PTO. Depending on your policies and the laws in your state, an employee who quits and happens to have a large pool of unused PTO could pose a significant financial burden. While some states allow employees to forfeit their unused PTO when they leave the job, employers in other states are required to pay out unused vacation time upon termination - regardless of what they have set forth in their PTO policies. Regardless of state laws, many companies still maintain a good faith policy by paying employees for unused vacation time.

Making PTO work for you

For a PTO policy to work for your employees and your company, it must align with your company's core values. If your company culture values work-life balance (and it should!), your PTO policy should too.

Another often overlooked step in creating a successful PTO policy is promoting it! It is not enough to create the policy. You must ensure that your policy is clearly communicated to both management and employees and that it is applied fairly and consistently. Otherwise, you cannot be sure that the rules and basic principles of the policy will be followed. For this important task, there is nothing better than a group session. A joint meeting can also be the perfect opportunity to mitigate some of the potential drawbacks of your policy by sharing some basic tips for managing PTO.

Finally, it's always a good idea to encourage employees to use their PTO instead of accumulating it. It should go without saying that you should make an effort to prohibit employees from working while using their PTO, as this is a great recipe for burnout. Strive to create an environment where all employees feel comfortable and supported in their ability to take time off. It's going to be worth it. You'll return to work stronger, more productive, and more likely to stay with the company long-term.

Balancing flexibility and structure is crucial for a successful PTO policy. Consider IceHrm for streamlined management and ensure fair application.

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