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Dilanka Dilanka is a Business Development Manager at IceHrm. You can contact her at dil[at]

Top 5: Ways To Help You Attract Passive Candidates

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Successfully recruiting passive candidates could be considered a highly successful hiring strategy in today's competitive job market. As the demand for professionals in various fields is high, companies are willing to go the extra mile to hire the best talent. But sometimes "being ready" doesn't necessarily mean that trying to recruit the best people to the team will be successful. For this reason, passive candidates are of particular value to companies that are constantly looking for highly qualified candidates.

However, finding talent who are happy with their current job and not looking for a change can be a difficult task. Aside from the strategic aspects you can work on, there are several elements where your recruiting software will make a big difference and make your job a lot easier.

For this reason, we have created a list of the 5 most important technological aspects that are important for attracting passive applicants. Keep reading the blog and become an expert in recruiting this special and demanding group of candidates!

5 Ways Technology Helps You Attract Passive Candidates

A powerful recruiting tool has become a competitive advantage for HR departments around the world for numerous reasons. When it comes to attracting passive candidates, it's impossible to overlook the influence of recruiting software in the process. That's why we're starting our list with the top 5 ways your recruiting software can help you attract great passive candidates.

AI-powered sourcing tool
The introduction of AI technology in recruiting has created many opportunities for faster and more efficient recruiting. In addition to potentially increasing the speed of hiring, the quality of the hiring process has also increased. Thanks to AI, your recruiting software helps you attract passive candidates by automatically targeting them on social media.

More specifically, by using AI technology for HR marketing, you can leverage AI-powered Boolean string creation for multiple platforms such as LinkedIn, GitHub, Stack Overflow, Twitter, and Dribble. This allows you to implement parameters that are important for finding specific candidates and ensure that the tool comprehensively targets all relevant candidates.

Create talent networks
Talent networks are another great way to target passive candidates. Talent networks allow you to create groups of relevant candidates (candidates are anyone whose contacts you have) and create avenues of ongoing communication where you can share new opportunities in your company, news from the organization, or other relevant information that might encourage them to join to apply for a position in your company. This type of targeting of candidates helps you spread relevant messages and creates more meaningful relationships that ultimately translate into their desire to work at your company. By simply staying in touch with everyone who has previously applied for a position at your company or providing you with their contact information for employment, you can keep your applicants constantly updated on news and employment opportunities and have multiple hire-ready candidates on the website.

Organize your work and time
By using a well-organized ATS, you can create a unique applicant database in which all information about every applicant who has ever applied to your company is well organized and stored. This makes your work more efficient and effective! Such software helps you organize your work by allowing you to automatically track interactions with candidates through different communication channels (email, SMS, phone calls, social media messages, LinkedIn Inmail...).

All your interactions with each candidate are automatically documented in one place, so you can target the right candidate at the right time. This is particularly important for passive applicants, as you are dealing with people who did not explicitly apply to your company through a current job advertisement, but rather those who may have been a long time ago and have been forgotten, or with someone you may have found through your ATS.

You're less likely to remember these candidates on your own from time to time to pick up where you left off. By having the ability to automatically save all your previous interactions on any channel and look back at some feedback or comments you have given them in the past, you can be more successful in guiding them and convincing them to join your company.

Built-in templates
Not only can you automatically save and organize all previous interactions with your candidates, but you can also ensure that all your communication is standardized and you don't miss any important information from each individual candidate. Instead of composing all emails manually, you can create templates and send personalized SMS or email campaigns to all your active or passive candidates.

Since we are focusing on passive candidates in this article, it is important to mention that to build better relationships and ensure higher candidate engagement, make sure you have a personalized email with relevant content for all of these candidates.

Valuable analysis
Detailed campaign analysis is important for many things in the recruiting industry. The ability to aggregate large numbers of applicants who have applied for numerous positions over time allows recruiters to better identify trends, make predictions, and ultimately make better hires. Tracking delivery, open and click-through rates, specifically designed analytics for your talent networks or other statistics related to the state of the job market have a significant impact on the recruiter's success. Therefore, when hiring for a new position, it can be extremely helpful to check which candidates are most engaged by tracking campaign delivery, open and click-through rates, or to see which email a particular one receives group of candidates (in this case we are only talking about passive candidates).

Finally, there are many tips on the strategic aspects of recruiting passive talent, but our first piece of advice is to evaluate your tools and any recruiting technologies before developing a strategy. Learn about IceHrm how to use a recruiting tool can not only shorten the hiring process, but we've also seen that you can get better at attracting passive candidates too!

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