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Dilanka Dilanka is a Business Development Manager at IceHrm. You can contact her at dil[at]

The ultimate new hire training checklist

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Did you know that implementing a robust recruitment management system can streamline the onboarding process, leading to an 82% increase in new employee retention and a remarkable 70% boost in productivity? Effective recruitment management is essential for nurturing individual growth and ensuring company success. A well-structured recruitment process significantly impacts employee retention and productivity, setting the stage for a productive and enduring employee-employer relationship. For leaders focused on achieving organizational excellence, a comprehensive recruitment management strategy is key.

What are the 5 C's when onboarding new employees?

Compliance: Educating new employees about company rules, policies, legal standards and workplace equality.

Clarification: Ensure employees are aware of their job responsibilities and expectations.

Culture: Introduction to the organization's values and goals to attract and retain talent.

Bonds: Building relationships between new employees, their teammates, and company leadership.

Control: Continuous evaluation of the performance of new employees, especially in the first few months.

‍What are the steps for training new employees?

  1. Preparatory phase
    Before the new employee's first day of work, it is important to complete administrative tasks: complete paperwork, set up workstations and schedule introductory meetings. You should also schedule introductory meetings and create a detailed agenda for the first day and week. As Gallup points out, this thorough preparation is not just a procedural formality, but a strategic move that increases employee retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%.
  2. Pre-boarding phase
    This phase helps ease first day jitters and increase engagement. In this phase, the new employee is spoken to to understand his expectations and to confirm that the necessary formalities have been completed. During this phase, new employees are given clear instructions on who to contact and ensure that all paperwork and work equipment is in order. They also receive an overview of the company culture, benefits and company policies, giving them a clear insight into the company's values and environment.
  3. First day activities
    A new employee's first day is an important milestone. It begins with them being introduced to their team and everyone in the company learning that they have joined. It is also important to make sure they have all the work equipment available and help them set it up. Providing them with a mentor or onboarding buddy can help them feel supported and welcome from the start. Creating a friendly and helpful atmosphere is essential to making a good first impression.
  4. . Goals for the first week
    In the first week, dividing up the training tasks is the key to a successful start. Work with the manager to create a clear 30-60-90 day plan that gives the new employee a roadmap for the first few months. Assigning the new employee their first task or project right away will help them settle into their role. It is also important to go through company policies, legal requirements and HR procedures to ensure they are informed and on the right track. Providing training materials for all the tools and software they will use is essential. Meeting colleagues to make contacts helps them integrate into the team. The first week is crucial. According to a survey by Aberdeen Group, 86% of new hires decide whether to stay or leave within the first six months.
  5. ‍30-60-90 day plan
    During the first 90 days, it's important to keep a close eye on the new employee's progress. Regular review of the 30-60-90 day plan ensures the employee is on track. Tailored training tailored to their role and the company is critical to their development. Encouraging them to network and collaborate with colleagues not only builds relationships but also integrates them into the team. Developing a long-term professional development plan sets the stage for continued growth and success. This approach helps to quickly increase the new employee's productivity, which is an important step in his or her journey in the company.
  6. Six-month check-in
    After six months, a crucial check-in is due. Assess the new employee's progress toward their development plan. Are they achieving their goals? Determine what new skills they need and update the plan accordingly. If there are gaps, organize additional training. Continue to encourage them to network and give them access to the resources they need. Also get their feedback on the onboarding process. This is more than just a routine check; it is an important checkpoint to ensure they are fully integrated and performing at their best. This step is key to solidifying their place and success in the company.

In summary, a comprehensive onboarding process as outlined in these steps is critical to creating a productive and satisfying work environment for newly hired employees. From the initial preparation to the check-in after six months, each phase plays a crucial role in the successful integration of the new employee into the company. With Icehrm onboarding process, companies can not only increase employee retention and productivity, but also create a solid foundation for long-term success and a positive workplace culture.

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