Employee assessments

An aptitude test, usually conducted online, where candidates are invited to take a test to determine their abilities, skills, and strengths. This can help managers make hiring decisions and facilitate the deployment of the right people to the right areas over the employee's entry and life cycle.

"Employee assessments" Stories Page 1 of 1  

How Good is Your Assessment Process?

There is a lot of talk about the appraisal processes and how companies are doing their best to develop the fastest and most accurate process. Yet they all seem to use similar techniques to assess their applicants....

Employee Management Tips

Whether you are a CEO, intern or new executive, knowing how to work with others is a key element of success in any position. But for...

Goals of HR development

The goal of personnel development is the starting point of a company’s success story. In short, human resources (HR) is the capital that constitutes the...

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