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How To Make Successful Hires When You're a First-time Manager

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Becoming a leader for the first time is not an easy task. In our last article in this series, we touched on some of the most common mistakes made by first-time managers, but one in particular deserves closer examination: hiring.

It's all too easy to view hiring as a recruiting or human resources task, one that gets put on the back burner until a team member quits or an opportunity for expansion presents itself. You may want to help create the job description at this time or attend a few subsequent interviews to select your ideal candidate. But the reality is completely different.

When you become a manager, your job is to make hiring decisions. You are significantly involved in the search and selection of talent. We always talk about how important people are to the success of a company, so it is imperative that managers understand the process and importance of hiring.

Let's start with this...

1.Define your hiring criteria

The best hiring managers have a very clear idea of what they want from a candidate. Defining these criteria is the first step in this process. It's not just about "nice-to-haves" or certain years of experience - the more information you can provide to a hiring manager or TA team, the better chance they have of finding someone who is truly up to the task. Below are the four areas HR managers need to consider when assessing their needs:

  • Skills and knowledge
  • Characteristics
  • Achievements
  • Motivation.

Most of us are good at defining certain skills, but we need to get just as good at identifying other areas. We're talking soft skills, personality traits, key examples and evidence of abilities, level of desire - these things differentiate a strong candidate from a weak candidate. And as a hiring manager, you need to be clear about what is required.

2.Refine the job description

Job descriptions can become a confusing hodgepodge of details if not addressed properly. Managers filling a position for the first time tend to create a plethora of superfluous requirements in the hopes of landing star talent. But that often just makes the search more difficult. It's really about finding a balance. So here are some tips that every beginner should take to heart:

  • Write for people, not about work. Remember that there is a human on the other end of the job ad. Job ads that focus on applicants receive three times as many applications as those that focus on companies or requirements.
  • Make it clear what the job entails and what the applicant will do. Inaccurate information leads to problems down the road.
  • Make sure your job description is comprehensive.
  • Overzealous language can be just as detrimental as boring text. Avoid your rock stars, your wizards, your unicorns, your declarations that we are a "family" in this company.

3.Interviewing is a learned skill

Participating in interview training should be a mandatory requirement for all new HR managers. The ability to interview well can make all the difference, especially in an environment where talent is equally concerned with how a manager and a company present themselves. It goes without saying that you need to be well prepared for every interview. Be clear about what you're looking for, model your questions to find out, and try to frame the conversation not in a way that trips up candidates but rather gives them an opportunity to impress you.

Don't rely on your gut feeling either. Recruiters often have to deal with HR managers who have certain “ideas” of applicants. Look for evidence and be aware of biases that might creep in and cloud your judgment. Always remember: diversity is a huge asset to any team and you should always encourage and strive for it.

So the golden rules are: educate yourself, be prepared, find evidence and create an atmosphere of inclusion and belonging.

4.Choose culture ADD, not culture FIT

Culture Fit was a big trend in the workplace a few years ago. The idea that a candidate who reflected your mindset and fit into an established company culture would likely be a good fit for your team was widespread. And while there is some truth to these claims, the reality of this agenda inevitably leads to homogenized workforces that do not allow for diversity, innovation, change and flexibility. As a new leader, it can be tempting to fall into this trap. Culture is important, but it should not be the deciding factor.

You need to understand that hiring with culture in mind doesn't mean you're looking for employees who are all the same. Rather, the focus should be on how well the candidate's values align with those of the company, rather than how personal factors align with the current workforce.

5.Aim for alignment

One of the most important aspects of hiring success depends on how well aligned the recruiting teams, interviewees, and hiring managers are. And how do you achieve this? Of course with a coordination meeting!

Organize a meeting before an interview to ensure everyone involved in the process is on the same page. This opportunity allows you to explain and demonstrate what skills and characteristics the applicant should have. Show the team what a good candidate for this job looks like so they know what to look for. Also go into the process - how the interview will be structured, who will ask which questions, which elements of the job will be highlighted. As an HR manager, you have the necessary knowledge that you should pass on to the team.

There are so many elements to deal with as a first-time hiring manager. But with a little preparation and practice, you'll quickly understand the importance of this new role. So taking the time to train yourself on how to interview well or research how bias affects your decision-making can make all the difference in the long run. And don't forget to ask for help. The human resources department, experienced managers, teams of consultants - they are veritable treasure troves of knowledge. Be gentle with yourself and be open to new things!

Try out IceHrms' recruitment management system to understand how it can help you make successful hires as a first-time manager.

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