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Masha Masha is a content developer at IceHrm. You can contact her at masha[at]

Essential Checklist for Onboarding New Employees

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When done correctly, the onboarding process helps new employees step into their jobs with confidence and sets them up for success. However, a poor onboarding process can leave new hires feeling disengaged and disconnected from their work. Effective recruitment management is crucial to avoid this situation, as employee turnover is reportedly highest in the first 45 days, with an estimated 25% of new employees leaving their job within the first three months.

With this in mind, we at IceHrm have developed the New Employee Onboarding Checklist to help you get the most out of onboarding from day one. Our comprehensive hiring software ensures a seamless transition for new hires, setting them up for long-term success.

What should be on an onboarding checklist?

Before onboarding your new employee, it's a good idea to create a list of actions that can be checked off in the first few days. These simple actions will keep everyone on track and help your new employee have a great first day without complications and misunderstandings.

Inform HR of the new employee's arrival

This is a simple step, but if missed, the new employee can feel confused and even unwelcome. Informing HR of a new employee's arrival allows the HR manager to meet and greet the new employee and give them a chance to ask questions. It's a perfect way to welcome them to the company.

Make sure relevant paperwork is completed

Ideally, HR paperwork should be completed and approved before the candidate starts the job. This will help HR better understand the new employee's needs, such as special requirements related to disabilities, etc.

Send an email highlighting the position

Sending a welcome email before starting the job is a casual way to explain a little more about the company culture, expectations, and the people they will report to. The email also outlines the job description and responsibilities.

Send a copy of the employee handbook

Sending your new team member a copy of the employee handbook before they start their job will give them a good sense of the company culture, highlight company values, and give them an idea of ​​what is expected of them on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, sending an employee handbook can help avoid future confusion about the work culture and their role.

What are the five Cs of onboarding?

After following the initial onboarding list, it's time to move on to the five Cs of onboarding - compliance, clarification, culture, connection, and check-ins.

The five Cs of onboarding are an important part of welcoming new employees. They should always be implemented when integrating new employees to ensure effective communication and maintain company culture.


Compliance is the first "C" in onboarding. It ensures that new employees complete all required paperwork and training to comply with legal and regulatory obligations. This includes submitting tax forms, employment contracts, and background checks as needed. It also provides training on topics such as data security, workplace safety, and anti-harassment laws.

This step is critical to protecting your company from financial and legal problems.


Clarification is about setting precise guidelines for a new employee's job duties and performance standards. By highlighting what is expected of them in their first 90 days in a detailed job description, list of performance indicators, and goals, candidates can better understand their responsibilities and expectations so they can fit in with the company and do their new job well.

Regular check-ins with HR help ensure candidates are meeting expectations and allow them to discuss any concerns they may have.


A company culture is built over time and is based on well-established values, attitudes and codes of conduct. To help new employees understand their new company culture, assign them a buddy who will answer questions and show them how things work in the organization. By discussing the company's history, introducing them to relevant stakeholders and introducing them to their new colleagues, they will feel at home in no time.


Connection is all about building relationships with new colleagues and the company and is the most fun part of the onboarding process. Lasting relationships can be forged during team-building activities and social events where the new employee can get to know and engage with their new teammates.


Last but not least comes the check-in phase. The check-in phase often lasts the entirety of an employee's probationary period and is an opportunity to discuss any concerns, provide feedback and provide performance metrics.

Remember that the check-in phase is a two-way street and should also provide the new hire with the opportunity to share any concerns, discuss their personal strengths and weaknesses, and generally feel free to talk about their true feelings.

The Bottom Line

Of course, all new hires are different, so using a tailored employee onboarding method based on a new hire's personality will result in a smoother and more successful onboarding process.

To help your new hire get the most out of their onboarding experience, check out our Employee Onboarding Report that promotes an organized, smart onboarding strategy. The content is based on a candidate's responses to a personality assessment and describes their preferred work methods, motivations, and interpersonal style.

A well-executed onboarding process is crucial for employee retention and success. IceHrm's New Employee Onboarding Checklist ensures new hires feel welcomed, informed, and integrated into your company culture from day one.

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