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How to create a travel request as an employee?

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Employees can log into their IceHrm accounts. In the Dashboard, they can find the Travel Management module or they can go to the Travel Management module and click on Travel Option.

1. Click on to the Add New option

2. You need to fill the below fields to create a travel request.

  • Means of Transportation — This means the methods of transportation
  • Purpose of Travel — Employees can enter a detail description of the purpose of travelling
  • Travel From — Enter the start location of the travel
  • Travel To — Enter the end location of the travel
  • Travel Date — Enter the start date of the travel
  • Return Date — Enter the end date of the travel
  • Currency — Employees can choose a currency which they would like to get paid
  • Total Funding Propose — They can enter the exact amount or an estimated amount of the expense of travel
Also, IceHrm has allowed you to attach proofs here. So the manager or the admin can investigate the real expense amount of travel with proofs.

3. Once you click on Save option, you will be able to find the travel request under the Travel Request tab

How to assign a travel request as an admin/manager?

Admin/Manager can log into their IceHrm accounts. In the Dashboard, they can find the Travel Request module.

  1. Click on to the Add New option
  2. You need to fill the below fields to create a travel request.
  • Employee — You can select the employee who you want to assign the travel request for
  • Means of Transportation — This means the methods of transportation
  • Purpose of Travel — Employees can enter a detail description of the purpose of travelling
  • Travel From — Enter the start location of the travel
  • Travel To — Enter the end location of the travel
  • Travel Date — Enter the start date of the travel
  • Return Date — Enter the end date of the travel
  • Currency — Employees can choose a currency which they would like to get paid
  • Total Funding Propose — They can enter the exact amount or an estimated amount of the expense of travel
When an admin or a manager assigns a Travel request, employees don’t need to get approval. It’s been already approved by the manager or the admin.

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Admin/Manager can log into their IceHrm accounts. In the Dashboard, they can find the Travel Request module or go to Manage -> Travel Click...

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