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How Online Leave Management Systems Make Your Life Easier

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What is the simplest but most important human resources (HR) process that takes up a majority of your HR department's time? The leave management. The leave approval process is one of those things that seems simple from the outside, but in reality it takes a lot of time if you don't prepare for it.

Once managers receive a vacation request, they must evaluate an employee's eligibility, verify compliance with vacation policies, ensure there is enough staff for the day, and make a decision that does not impact employee satisfaction.

If you have enough time, this shouldn't be a problem. But the reality is full of last-minute sick calls and spontaneous vacation requests. Add to that overflowing tables, multiple request channels, and a dash of manual intervention, and the result is a chaotic process. How can you untangle this?

In today's technological era, untying the knots in your vacation management process no longer has to be time-consuming and tedious. Modern HR management tools can help you remove the friction from the process and let it practically run itself with an integrated online leave management system

What is an online leave management system?

An online leave management system is a web-based vacation management application that automates every step of the vacation management process without compromising on functionality. Unlike on-site leave management tools, an online leave management system gives employees the freedom to submit, approve, reject and manage leave requests from anywhere, at any time and from any device.

How IceHrm’s HR Cloud automates leave requests

If you're new to automated leave management, the thought of switching to an online vacation management system may sound daunting. However, the truth is that companies can digitize their leave management process with HR software in a relatively short period of time.

While there are several ready-to-use vacation management apps on the market, choosing an HR cloud like IceHrm gives companies the opportunity to automate their time-consuming HR processes and free up HR managers' time to focus on important areas like Culture, employee retention and more.

IceHrm's HR Cloud helps companies reduce emails, reduce confusion and keep better absence records.

Here's how companies can customize IcrHrm's leave management module to suit their business needs.

  1. Create a customized vacation process
    IceHrm HR Cloud has a predefined leave management module based on industry standards. However, companies can adapt it to their individual needs by customizing it.You can edit the vacation request form, change data fields, automatically collect user credentials, enforce policies, set permissions, connect to databases, and more. Companies have the freedom to make their leave management process extensive or simple depending on their needs.
  2. Configure the approval workflow
    Once the leave request form is aligned, you can create a unique leave management workflow. Approve the request in one step or create a longer workflow/ multi level approval system where the request is first approved by the supervisor, later reviewed by 1st level approver and 2nd level approver. Everyone involved will receive a notification asking them to quickly review and confirm the data. Participants have the opportunity to approve, reject.
  3. Integration with timesheets and other HR processes
    To keep your online leave management system transparent and streamlined, you can connect IcHrm to your HR management software for payroll, time tracking data, and more. API integration allows you to enable seamless data transfer between your HR applications.With IceHrm HR Cloud's seamless integration features, you can prevent data silos, eliminate manual data reconciliation, reduce payroll errors, and keep the process consistent and transparent throughout.
  4. Track available and used remaining vacation days
    To speed up decision-making, you can view an employee's leave history (vacation days used, balance, overtime, etc.) directly in your digital form. When you house your database in the platform, it can automatically retrieve the required leave information based on the unique employee identification field. Once the leave is approved or at any point in the workflow, the number is updated without human intervention.

Research shows that leave management can cost companies 20.9% to 22.1% of their payroll. Poor absenteeism practices not only impact employee performance and morale, but can also impact project outcomes. So you need to take responsibility for your absence process.

Instead of adopting a standalone leave management software, companies can benefit more by implementing an all-in-one HR management system that has an integrated leave management module.

IceHrm's HR Cloud has a number of HR-specific modules including employee tracking, performance management, time tracking manager, employee database and more. Ready-to-use software solutions like IceHrm's HR Cloud save management time, reduce payroll errors, eliminate human intervention, eliminate paperwork, and streamline HR management processes from start to finish.

Say goodbye to email chains and move your vacation management process to the cloud today. Get started today and see how IceHrm makes managing HR processes a breeze.

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