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Masha Masha is a content developer at IceHrm. You can contact her at masha[at]

Fostering Workplace Creativity

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Are you a right-brain or left-brain thinker? The notion that creativity resides solely in the right hemisphere and logic in the left is a myth. Creative individuals can excel in logical roles like document management, where organization and clarity are crucial. Effective document management supports both creativity and structure, enhancing productivity across diverse tasks and teams.

Of course, some individuals thrive in creative roles such as graphic design and creative writing, while others excel in more analytical positions like accounting and engineering. However, effective employee management recognizes and leverages diverse strengths, fostering a balanced team environment where creativity and logical thinking complement each other. This approach maximizes productivity and innovation across all facets of business operations.

But creative people are more than capable of thinking logically, and logical people are equally good at coming up with creative ideas. After all, an engineer needs to imagine what the bridge they're working on will look like, and creative people need to use logic to plan and design innovative projects.

Simply put, creativity is the ability to use your imagination and out-of-the-box thinking to create new ideas by connecting abstract thoughts. It's a skill we all possess to some degree.

Now that the myth of the creative vs. logical brain has been debunked, this article looks at creativity as a soft skill and how creative thinking can help you succeed in the workplace.

How do companies benefit from creative people?

Creativity is very useful in the workplace as it can help companies overcome problems, develop more efficient ways of working, and enable teams to see the bigger picture even during stressful times. Creative thinking can also:

  • Improve team collaboration

Team members need to work together harmoniously to produce effective results. However, as hybrid and remote working has become the norm in many companies, getting a team to work in sync has become a bit of a challenge. According to Hubspot, people working on remote teams often struggle to communicate and build trust with their teammates, mainly due to the lack of face-to-face communication. But that's where the power of creativity in the workplace comes in. Finding creative ways to keep everyone on track, like sharing notes, videos, and social media, is a great way to help your team stay connected. Having a variety of activities, such as online team quizzes, monthly activities, and virtual coffee breaks, keeps morale high and makes people feel more connected.

  • Bring fresh ideas to the workplace

Every organization has its own way of doing things. When systems are in place and followed by employees, processes and routines can maintain efficiency and ensure smooth workflows. However, when the same plan is followed year after year, the employee goes on autopilot and boredom sets in, which in turn leads to higher staff turnover. In 2022, workers in the U.S. quit their jobs at a rate the country hasn't seen in 30 years, simply because they found their jobs boring. But thinking up new ideas and implementing creative changes can go a long way in reducing the impact of the bore-out phenomenon.

  • Develop a strong brand identity

Brand identity is important to companies of all sizes. Not only does it communicate what the company does and its values, but it also increases brand awareness and recognition.

Creative people tend to be great at developing a strong brand identity that thrives in a competitive consumer market. Small and large businesses need someone who can come up with new slogans, create relevant images for blog posts, choose appropriate theme colors, and even create company mascots. Even established companies with strong brand imagery like to mix things up every now and then. Škoda cars have been around for nearly 100 years, but the company has changed its brand image dozens of times over the past century. The most recent redesign will take place in 2022.

  • Tackle challenges fearlessly

People with a creative flair are not afraid to take on some challenges, which is good news in an economy marked by global conflict and post-pandemic recessions. Creative people are more likely to experiment with new ways of working and tend to tackle unfamiliar situations with less fear. Fear has been proven to limit people's creative thinking, which is why it's important to bring a creative soul on board who naturally stays calm in times of crisis and isn't afraid to take sensible risks.

  • Enable productive brainstorming sessions

Brainstorming sessions are where creative people really shine. They can come up with novel solutions to big problems, are open-minded enough to try different ways of working, and act on other people's ideas. Brainstorming sessions bring teams together to think about new ideas and discuss current work situations. When employees feel their voices are being heard, morale and productivity increase.

How to Show Creativity When Looking for a Job

The 2019 Global Talent Trends survey named the most important soft skills for new employees. Creativity was at the top of that list, so if you're job hunting, especially in industries where there's a lot of unpredictable change, like tech, it's a good idea to highlight your creativity on your resume.

Simple things like highlighting creative projects you've worked on and describing yourself as a creative person go a long way. But you can also add some creative flair to your resume. Instead of a traditional black-and-white resume, you can show off your creative skills with an infographic resume, an online portfolio, or even a video resume.

Embracing creativity as a soft skill with tools like IceHrm can empower teams to innovate, collaborate effectively, and navigate challenges creatively, ensuring sustained business growth.

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