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9 Main Characteristics that each Human Resource Managers should develop in 2019

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Human Resource managers are of great importance to the development of employees and companies. There are excellent HR professionals at different levels, from a passionate and dedicated junior recruiter who hires the best talent to a training manager who wants to improve the skills of employees, to an HR manager who develops strategies and manages the HR relationships in a large organization.

If you are also looking for an exceptional HR executive, here are the 10 main characteristics you can expect in the development of this new year:

1. Self-knowledge

Self-perception is the foundation of emotional intelligence. This is a skill that 90% of the most successful leaders possess in abundance. Great HR leaders are very aware of their character traits, their leadership style and their impact on others and the organization. They also have a clear and accurate picture of their strengths and weaknesses. Constant review and self-enlightenment enable them to use their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses. Great leaders do not prefer each other but treat issues with the greatest neutrality and impartiality.

2. Passion

Whether at all levels of the organization, when HR professionals have no real interest or a relentless passion for the subject, everything is solved. Great HR professionals are passionate about what they do, the people and values of the company they work to develop. For top HR managers, their job is not just about finding the right talent. This is where the work begins. The passion to promote and develop employees in different phases, to give them what they want, to have a sense of human behaviour, are all skills that HR managers acquire out of a passion for their job.

3. Empathy

Empathy and compassion are at the heart of human resources management. Empathy is an essential characteristic of building successful relationships and human ties. For every problem that occurs within the company, HR experts must be patient to understand it as a whole. Empathy helps HR managers listen carefully to what employees have to say before jumping to conclusions or proposing solutions. Successful HR professionals try to understand people by putting themselves in the shoes of others from a neutral perspective.

4. Humility

Fast-growing HR professionals are great people who believe in building deep relationships with their fellow human beings. They are extremely modest about their own performance and profile, which is why they deserve a lot of respect in the company. Successful HR leaders keep their ego in check and never let their personal opinions, judgements or experiences cloud their minds. They always have time for others and offer an open and safe space where others can enter and share their problems.

5. Inspiring

Great HR executives set superior examples of character and standards that the rest will follow. They truly inspire others with their strength, trust, goodwill and hard work. They understand the importance of a positive culture in the workplace and are therefore always far from being involved in office politics or gossip. At the same time, they are unaware of the unwanted behaviour or lack of professionalism, so they can take strict measures. They constantly inspire the people around them to achieve higher standards. Great leaders share their knowledge with their teams and give them every opportunity to become leaders.

6. Responsibility

One of the greatest characteristics of great leaders is that they do not blame themselves if something goes wrong. They take full responsibility for every kind of failure, whether individual or collective. Successful HR leaders take full responsibility for their own actions and do not blame externalities for the consequences. They accept the circumstances with dignity and respect and do their best to remedy them with their positivity and perseverance. The best leaders find no excuses, which makes them trustworthy and integer.

7. Lifelong learning

Great HR leaders never stop learning and networking to keep their skills up to date. They strive to stay abreast of the latest developments in HR. They do this not to be competitive, but because they are passionate about finding the best and finding ways to align their business goals accordingly. They are always at the forefront of the latest trends, products and people technologies. They have a variety of tools that can help them educate themselves and learn further. They are still trying to find ways to improve their own efficiency.

8. Unambiguous communicator

Great leaders are the best communicators. Whether through words or body language, successful HR managers always ensure that they communicate clearly and are absolutely transparent in their interactions. They ensure that people are aware of their expectations, and that is why they are always fair in their expression and behaviour. Successful HR managers are always in constant communication with their colleagues and colleagues and are always ready to discuss to clarify things if necessary. They know how to balance the art of communication and ensure that they regularly exchange their thoughts and ideas, not only to inspire others but also to keep things clear and unambiguous.

9. Sense of humour

The most successful HR managers radiate positivity and know how to laugh well. The reactions of managers are always taken into account, especially in difficult situations. They must be able to laugh because they must never lose sight of the morals of their employees. Larger crises can be tackled if managers remain calm and promote a culture of humour and personal discussion in the workplace. An elegant and full sense of humour.

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