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Work-Life Balance & Employee Engagement: The 10 Super Tips for Employers

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Work-related stress is widespread. Today, it is even greater, as work and private life increasingly blend together due to home office and remote work culture. But the pandemic has also made companies aware of how important it is to prioritize the well-being of employees, for which work-life balance forms the foundation.

What is work-life balance?

Work-life balance can be defined as a process in which employees manage their professional and personal commitments in such a way that a state of "balance" is achieved.

The most common hurdles employees face in trying to achieve this balance are the pressure of their functional role, employer expectations, and company policies.

What is employee or work engagement?

Work engagement is a positive and fulfilling mental state of an employee, characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. Engaged employees are deeply involved in their work and can inspire others with enthusiasm. These employees possess high resilience and mental agility and can effectively apply the knowledge they have acquired.

Various studies have examined the relationship between work-life balance and employee engagement. One such study by Sage proposes theories of role enrichment and resource conservation.

The role enrichment theory

explains that positive role-related experiences or emotional reactions to one's own role can significantly increase engagement in another function. Employees who feel enriched by a role experience are more loyal to their company. They are also more open to the idea of cross-functional roles within the same company.

And another high level of engagement leads to a better experience and ultimately to a healthy work-life balance for the employees.

The theory of resource conservation

states that existing resources can create additional resources due to their high motivation. These employees are agile and efficient due to their high motivation. At the same time, they need breaks between tasks to conserve their energy, as otherwise, they risk burnout. Such employees can be effectively motivated by focusing on tasks that require shorter phases of intense concentration.

By assessing the employees, complementary roles can be established. Therefore, companies must take care of the emotional well-being of their employees (which can be affected by disruptions in their professional or personal lives).

A study by a corporate board found that employees who believe they have a good work-life balance work 21% harder than those who do not.

Improved employee engagement is proportional to a healthy work-life balance. Engaged employees report that they are happier at work, a state of euphoria that transfers to all facets of their lives and thus promotes balance.

What is the relationship between work-life balance and employee engagement?

Effects of Work-Life Balance on Employee Engagement

A balanced work-life leads to a higher degree of employee engagement. Employees with a good work-life balance also work harder than employees without one. A healthy balance can be created by giving employees autonomy in shaping their roles and trusting them in executing their tasks, frequently involving them, and providing them with the opportunity to maintain healthy communication in the workplace.

Effects of Work-Life Balance on Performance Management

In a highly technologized modern world, the balance between private and professional life has become an enormous challenge. Unfortunately, the lack of balance tends to harm employee performance. Flexibility at work promotes productivity and efficiency. Employees also report that they can spend more time with their families and various other passion projects. Furthermore, flexibility leads to excellent employee retention and a higher level of engagement at work.

Effects of Work-Life Balance on Job Satisfaction

The better the work-life balance, the higher the job satisfaction. Flexible working hours, more autonomy at work, and the promotion of work-life balance by employers contribute to higher job satisfaction. Offices with a culture of support and family-friendly policies contribute to a healthy work environment. Employees in such organizations report good interactions with each other and a stronger bond with their employer.

How can employee engagement and work-life balance be maintained?

3 important points for improving employee engagement

1. Tech-based tools with minimal learning curve

Organizational skills and processes prevent employees from getting their work done. Complex processes confuse employees and often lead to burnout. This can be prevented with easily understandable guidelines, work structures, and tech-based tools. One of the simplest ways to motivate employees is to provide them with all the necessary tools such as HRMS suite, individual cloud-based tools, integrated software, and more, which help them perform their work efficiently and effectively. By equipping employees with the right automation tools and minimizing bureaucracy, you ensure that employees remain productive and dedicated to their goals. This helps them quickly adapt to a world that is rapidly changing and advancing at breakneck speed.

2. Recognize and praise employees

To encourage them Employees, want to feel that they fit well into the company's vision and mission. Openly communicating an employee's performance can significantly improve their overall performance and give them more engagement at work. Rewards and recognition increase employee engagement. Too often, gifts, incentives, and bonuses are distributed without much fanfare. Therefore, it is good to announce the achievements and loudly praise the employee, as this helps to increase the feel-good factor.

Recognition motivates individual performers and increases productivity throughout the entire company. Rewards and recognition should be hallmarks of an excellent corporate environment.

3. Corporate social responsibility

To align employees with the goal All employees want to lead a meaningful life and work for an organization that helps them stay true to their purpose. The goal is often linked to the company's social responsibility and allows employees to feel like part of the community.

Simple activities like donating to an orphanage or planting some trees can increase overall employee engagement. Goal-oriented employees are beneficial for the overall growth of an organization and can pursue higher goals that differ from their routine work.

7 Tips for HR Departments to Improve Work-Life Balance for Employees

1. Flexible and Remote Work Environment

Working in a hybrid office allows employees to spend more time with their families and increases productivity. Employees want to feel self-determined and be able to manage their time without too many interventions. Employees want to feel secure, for example, knowing that they can see a doctor and still get their work done.

2. Encouragement and Promotion of Breaks

Companies cannot and should not expect their employees to work continuously for 8 hours, as this leads to fatigue. Furthermore, many offices have recreational areas where pools, games, and other leisure activities are offered to help employees relax and recharge. Breaks are important as they reduce fatigue and maintain concentration.

3. Minimization of burnout through regular communication

The workload of an employee must be continuously monitored to minimize burnout. Furthermore, managers and senior executives should regularly intervene to assess the workload and ensure a fair distribution of all tasks. Managers who regularly speak with their teams know who is busy and who has less work. You can then distribute the work evenly.

4. Lead your employees

By example, as the top management does. HR managers must lead by example and promote an excellent work culture. If the top executives in the company exemplify a healthy work-life balance, other employees will follow their example. Leaders should take breaks, not bother their employees on weekends, or expect them to deliver work unless it is absolutely necessary.

5. Encourage your employees to take time off

Make concessions for vacation and sick days. Employees should be released from their work. Vacation, which also includes sick and holiday days, helps employees recover and relax. In many companies, there are now policies that force employees to take some vacation days instead of just accumulating them.

6. One size does not fit all

Acknowledge that every employee is different. No two employees have the same goals or temperament. In such situations, the parties involved must identify and acknowledge the factors that keep an employee engaged and motivated. Some employees, for example, prefer to start work early and finish early. The others might prefer to start late and have no problem extending their workday beyond regular hours. Leave room for flexibility.

7. Use benefits to increase productivity

Benefits are essential for work productivity and performance. However, some employees are not always motivated by money and seek rewards such as gym memberships, travel expense reimbursements, and massages. Therefore, it must be ensured that these benefits are used appropriately to increase and promote productivity.

A good work-life balance is less about splitting the day between work and life and more about flexibility. Employees who strive for a balanced work-life balance need to look for organizations and employment opportunities that support this framework. Those who set boundaries at work and take time for their loved ones can ensure the balance between work and private life.

HR managers can bring about changes in the following ways:

1.Knowing what the employees want
2.To be a good example
3.Stay at the forefront of employee issues.
4.Inform the employees about their benefits.

Last Words Often,

work takes precedence in our lives, and we tend to neglect the other things that make us happy. Therefore, it is crucial for overall well-being to integrate personal time. It is necessary not only for our careers but also for our overall well-being. Employers who advocate for a balanced work-life ratio experience less turnover, fewer absences, and a more productive workforce. Ultimately, work-life balance means something different to everyone, and only the employee can find the perfect combination of work and life.

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