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Masha Masha is a content developer at IceHrm. You can contact her at masha[at]

Mastering Impactful Performance Reviews

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Carrying out a good employee interview is a bit of an art.

Managers who are just starting to learn this art often ask us what they should talk to their employees about in employee reviews, apart from specific performance goals. In addition to the small details (specific performance goals, notable accomplishments, critical skill gaps, reach projects, future potential roles, etc.), we advise managers to ask questions that help them understand the "big picture" when it comes to each individual employee.

This is where the "art" of employee interviews comes into play.

Managers must ask the right questions and use the right survey techniques to learn the truth about important performance-related matters - for example, what employees think about their own performance, about their responsibilities, about their interactions with colleagues, about their contribution to the department, about their commitment for the company and about how they see the future.

Interestingly, Forbes recently published the article 9 Things You Should Tell Your Boss At Your Next Performance Review, which is obviously written as advice to employees. But managers should also read the article and consider using some of the most important points in it as guidelines for the employee interview. The first four points on the list are, for example;

1) what makes you happy

2) how you want to develop

3) what you really want to work on

4) how you envision the future

These are actually perfect examples of what managers should talk about in employee interviews (in addition to the more prosaic performance questions mentioned above). In other words, you must not wait for the employees to raise these topics. Pick them up first by asking the staff about them. In this way, you get a better insight into your employees' perspectives, needs and interests, which is crucial to being able to lead and develop them effectively. In addition, you send a clear signal that you care about how your employees feel, and are not just trying to squeeze as much work out of them as possible. That's the kind of manager people want to work for.

Mastering impactful performance reviews is an art that involves asking the right questions and using effective survey techniques. By addressing employees' aspirations and concerns, managers create a positive work culture. IceHrm supports this process, enhancing performance management for organizational success.

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