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Masha Masha is a content developer at IceHrm. You can contact her at masha[at]

Keys to Evaluating Candidates in the Hiring Process

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Key highlights:

  • 51% of the world's workforce is actively looking for a new job.
  • Hiring managers shouldn't judge applicants' skills based solely on the information on their CV.
  • IceHrm allows publishing on multiple platforms to attract more applicants.

When a recruiter advertises a position, sometimes a never-ending list of applicants comes in. One of the reasons for this is that 51% of the world's workforce is looking for a new job. But even if you have shortlisted many of them, how do you find a suitable candidate with the right work characteristics and skills for a job?

Read more about the right candidate characteristics and professional qualities to look for in an applicant.

What do employers look for in applicants?

Employers look for different skills and work characteristics in an applicant. A good candidate is someone who is honest and passionate about their work. Their positive attitude to work, their flexibility and their willingness to take on responsibility are considered good qualities for a job. Employers generally look for applicants with good communication skills and adaptability, as well as someone who has the knowledge required for the job.

How do you choose a good applicant?

It can be confusing for hiring managers to know exactly which areas to consider when analyzing a candidate. Here are some points to pay attention to:

Pay attention to relevant skills of the applicant

In addition to the specialized skills listed on the applicant's resume, it is crucial to examine the applicant's skills by assessing their relevant professional skills, including hard and soft skills. One of the reasons for this is that 85% of applicants put incorrect information and skills on their resume.

Hard skills: skills acquired through degree programs or courses, e.g. Data mining, UX design, computer skills, etc.

Soft Skills: Communication, adaptability, time management, growth mindset, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, etc. are examples of soft skills.

Ask about their experience

If the applicant already has work experience, ask him questions about his previous experiences and mistakes. The questions can be:

  1. Tell us about your professional career.
  2. Tell us about a project that went well and one that didn't go so well.
  3. What mistakes did you make in your previous jobs that made you more responsible?

Look for communication skills

Being a good communicator is considered one of the best qualities to have for a job. You should not only be able to communicate orally, but also be able to express yourself well in writing.

It is important to avoid misunderstandings between the parties. A candidate's communication skills also help employers write emails, letters, and more in an apt and precise manner.

Check body language

A person's body language says a lot. When it comes to an applicant's skills, employers look for self-confidence and good body language. You can tell from body language alone whether the applicant is confident or nervous. During the interview, pay attention to the applicant's hand movements and gestures, as well as eye contact.

However, it is not always right to judge a candidate based solely on their body language as some of them might be nervous during the interview. So take your time and consider all factors including this one.

Adaptation to the corporate culture

People have different values and work ethics. For 46% of job seekers, company culture is on their priority list. When interviewing a potential candidate, you should ask them questions about their work values and related questions. For example, ask them if they can work in a fast-paced environment and meet deadlines.

If they share the same company values, it makes work easier and reduces the likelihood of future conflict at work. The questions could look like this:

  1. Are you able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines?
  2. Can you handle multiple customers at the same time?
  3. Tell us your work strategy and your work priorities.
  4. Have you ever handled a situation under pressure?

What are good qualities for a job?

The things employers look for in an applicant are varied. Below is a list of non-negotiable good qualities for a job:

Flexibility in adapting to changes

Adaptability is a trait that helps a candidate succeed in a fast-paced corporate environment. Candidates who can respond quickly to unexpected changes are well suited to the employee role.

Open to learning new things

An applicant should always be willing to learn new things and skills. When an employer recognizes this trait in a potential applicant, it is a good sign to continue working with them.

Take the initiative and contribute

A proactive candidate who is able to make decisions when necessary may prove to be a well-chosen candidate. A person who can raise their voice to bring new ideas to the table is a good quality.

Collaborate with the team

Teamwork is a strong skill of the candidate that can help the company grow. You can ask the applicant whether they worked with a team in their previous job or during their studies. Which projects they led in the team, etc.

Multitasking ability

Sometimes the workload or lack of employees can result in having to handle multiple tasks at the same time. That's why it's important not to overlook this trait in the candidate you're considering hiring.

Identifying the perfect candidate requires a holistic approach. Look for relevant skills, experience, communication abilities, and cultural alignment. Consider using IceHrm for efficient hiring processes.

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