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Department Time Zone in IceHrm

  Reading Time:

At default, employees will have to select the time when punching in and punching out. But if you want the system to automatically pick up the time when employees punch in and punch out, this can easily be done with IceHrm settings.

First make sure under Admin -> Company structure you have defined the correct time zone for each structure.

Now go to System -> Settings -> Attendance and enable the Attendance: Use Department Time Zone setting as shown below:

Now if you go to Time Management -> Attendance and try to punch in you will see that you do not have to manually select the time and the system will pick up the time according to the relevant timezone.

Click here to learn more about IceHrm attendance and it can help you simplify attendance tracking.

Log In With Google in IceHrm

By default, IceHrm will only let you login by entering the email or username of your user account and the password as shown below: Let us...

Adding The Company Logo in IceHrm

By default, your installation will have IceHrm logo as shown below: To add the company logo, System -> Settings -> Company and find the...

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