What does the HR department actually do? 11 important tasks

What does the HR department actually do? 11 important tasks

HR may be the most confusing department in your entire organization – everyone knows it’s important, but few employees know why. So what does the HR department do? There’s a huge difference between a healthy HR department that contributes to the growth of the business, and a distant HR department that exists somewhere in the…

Staying Relevant VS. Being Overqualified : The Difference

Staying Relevant VS. Being Overqualified : The Difference

I always talk about how important it is to stay relevant in your job. But for professionals, being overqualified in a competitive job market is a real problem. So let’s clarify the difference between job relevance and overqualification. To illustrate the difference between relevance and overqualification, let me give you an example. Imagine that you…

What are the different types of incentives for workers in the workplace?

What are the different types of incentives for workers in the workplace?

Employers today are aware that a mere salary is not enough when employees contribute everything they have, including their time, effort and commitment to their organization’s interests. If you look at this from the perspective of financial stability, then a limited number of salaries may be insufficient given the increased cost of living today. If…

Human resources consulting during the Covid-19 pandemic from the employer’s perspective.

Human resources consulting during the Covid-19 pandemic from the employer’s perspective.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly changed the way most people live and has made countries, societies, companies and individuals rethink the way they live and work. Today, crisis is not a new situation for any organization, but the Covid-19 pandemic has created unexpected challenges of unparalleled magnitude even for adaptive and crisis-prepared organizations. Across the…

The importance of human resources management

The importance of human resources management

Employees are the foundation of any successful company. This is why human resources management is so important. The HR department performs a variety of tasks and is responsible for ensuring that employees feel safe, valued and properly supported. Excellent human resource management keeps the HR department running smoothly and evolving over time. If this sounds…

The 10 HR issues that top HR  professionals will face in 2022

The 10 HR issues that top HR professionals will face in 2022

It’s no secret that the modern work environment is changing at a rapid pace. Many of these changes are aimed at improving workplace culture and enabling employees to achieve a better work-life balance, but the responsibility for implementing these new practices lies with HR managers. This article presents the top HR issues of 2022 that…

7 basics of personnel management that every HR manager should know

7 basics of personnel management that every HR manager should know

People are critical to the success of any business. Employee performance can be a liability or an asset to a company. As a human resource manager, you play a critical role in the success of your company. Good human resource management (HRM) is essential for businesses of all sizes. In this article, we will explain…

Sample Job Description for Human Resources Manager

Sample Job Description for Human Resources Manager

Job Description:The Human Resources Manager directs and manages the overall delivery of human resources services, policies and programs for an organization within a small to medium sized business or for a portion of the human resources department within a large organization. The Human Resources Manager’s duties vary depending on the overall needs of the business…

Translating the digital revolution in human resources into everyday working life

Translating the digital revolution in human resources into everyday working life

ARE YOU ACTIVELY PLANNING FOR THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION IN HUMAN RESOURCES? The digital revolution in HR is here and happening at a rapid pace. Companies are looking for new, effective and productive ways to meet the changing demands of the business world: Flexibility, round-the-clock global access, speed and accuracy. Leading companies are aware of the…

IceHrm v31.0.0 released

IceHrm v31.0.0 released

We are glad to announce the latest release of IceHrm with a number of improvements to existing features and bug fixes. Learn how your employees are doing With COVID-19 most of the companies are working remotely. When working remotely or even from the workplace it’s really important to know how your employees are feeling. As…