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What is the importance of the Insight Module in IceHrm?

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If you have already used IceHrm, you know how to download reports as an admin and a user. Using those reports you can monitor attendance, timesheets, and leaves of your employees. But if you want to check and identify patterns between them, you can use Insight module in IceHrm.

Attendance Graph

Attendance Monitoring charts are very useful when you when to get a quick abstract look at how all the employees or a specific employee attend to their work. It shows how much time they spend time in the office against how much time they actually put into timesheets.

  1. Log into the Admin Account
  2. Go to Insights module
  3. Under the Insights module, select Time and Attendance
  4. Click on to Filter under the Attendance Graph, to see the Attendance pattern of your employees’ against the working week

Also, you can see the pattern between attendance and the number of hours worked using the IceHrm Insight module. In this chart, admins/managers can see how much of a percentage of attendance time goes into timesheets for each employee.

Go to Hours in Office vs Hours Worked Graph and click on filter. Then you can enter the specific employee and the date range accordingly and filter.

How to create a HR form?

You can use IceHrm Form for different purposes. Such as; 1. To request employee surveys2. Employees’ opinion on something3. To get probation review forms filled4. To...

How to confirm the probationary of an employee using IceHrm?

In order to confirm probationary, you need to change the confirmation date. To do that; Log into your admin accountGo to the Employees module and select...

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