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How to request an expense as an employee?

  Reading Time:

1. Log into the employee’s account and go to the Finance module.

2. Click on the Expenses tab

3. Under the Expenses tab, click on Add New to create a new expense

4. Fill the necessary fields

· Date — Add the date of the expense

· Payment method — Select the payment method whether cash, cheque or card payment

· Payee — Name of the employee needs to get the payment

· Expense Category — Select the expense category accordingly

· Currency — Enter the currency which needs to be paid in

· Amount — Enter the total amount of expense

In addition to this, you can request your employees to attach proofs here. For example, they can attach a receipt of the expense.

5. Then Save

How to approve an expense as an Admin/Manager?

Once an employee requests an expense, the manager will receive a notification as below.
You can click on the notification to proceed. If not,
  1. Go to the Finance Module
  2. Click on the Expenses Session
  3. Under the Subordinate Expenses tab, you will be able to find the requested expense
  4. Click on the blue color Change Status option to proceed

5. Change the status to Approved and then click on the Change Expense Status option

How to add an employee custom field?

This is a very common type of question that comes from our customers. In the IceHrm, we have already defined a set of custom fields as...

Payroll Module in IceHrm

How to add a salary component type?In order to make changes to the payroll module, log into the admin account. In IceHrm, you can Store...

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