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7 credible accomplishment evaluation methods that really work

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The employees were looking forward to it, and you always tried to get out of it. Yes! It is time to analyze employee performance and evaluate them accordingly. The times when employees and employers actually had a healthy discussion about the topic are, however, over.

Nowadays, employees are quite intimidated when they are pointed at. Behavioral changes and an increase in turnover rates are quite common during this time. But are they really wrong in this context? Something must be wrong with the way you measure performance and make evaluations. The gap could be that there are no data-driven statements, that evaluations are biased due to personal preferences, or that the true potential of the employee is misjudged due to recent events.

Here, we present to you 7 of the best modern methods for performance evaluation. Take a look at these.

Essay performance evaluation

This is one of the traditional methods of performance appraisal in human resource management, which, due to its authenticity, has also made it onto the list of modern assessment techniques. Due to its openness and description, the method is referred to as essay performance appraisal or free-form method. The supervisor describes the employees based on facts and also provides examples. The strengths and weaknesses are analyzed based on the graphical evaluation, and the assessment is substantiated with incidents.

360-degree feedback

Although this method of performance evaluation is criticized for being very time-consuming, it is one of the most reliable. The method requires the creation of a questionnaire to capture the views of various individuals with whom the employee has interacted, either within or outside the organization. These can be customers, subordinates, colleagues, and managers.

Graphic rating scale

This is one of those performance management methods where a list of desirable traits is created, and each employee is expected to exhibit these traits and also evaluate other employees based on each trait. The evaluations are then used to categorize the employees into the performance block. All employees in the performance category are considered a benchmark for promotions and salary adjustments. The employer can easily quantify behavior using this method.

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

This is a relatively new method of performance appraisal that aims to evaluate performance objectively. Better standards, clearer goals, consistent evaluation, and improved feedback are set. The method takes into account both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the work. The employee's performance is compared with the established behavioral examples, which are supported by an evaluation in numerical form.

Ranking evaluation

In this method, employees with the same job profile are compared with each other. All are evaluated in order from highest to lowest rank. It is one of the tried-and-true, but time-consuming, evaluation methods.

Paired comparison method

This assessment method is best suited for SMEs and startups that have a tight budget and want to retain the best employees. The method is used to compare the performance of each employee with that of other team members. On this basis, the best employee receives a better salary increase than the rest.

Checklist scale

Just like with a checklist, where a person is supposed to check off items and make a choice, a checklist is created in this performance evaluation method. This involves compiling the desirable characteristics and statements with the option "Yes" or "No." If the evaluator (most likely a manager) has a strong feeling that the trait is present in an employee, they check the "Yes" box. The final evaluation in this method is conducted by the human resources department.

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