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Masha Masha is a content developer at IceHrm. You can contact her at masha[at]

Strategies to Combat Burnout and Cultivate Fulfillment at Work

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Thanks to smartphones, Zoom meetings and social media, we are now more connected than ever before. From a professional perspective, this networking gives us more flexibility and allows us to work from almost anywhere. A meeting on the train, maintaining relationships with remote employees, working across time zones - the possibilities are endless.

But as much as this gives us freedom and flexibility, it can also prevent us from ever separating from our work. Constant availability and the mixing of personal and professional lives can mean that we never give ourselves a break to properly recover.

It's no surprise, then, that recent studies show that workers' stress levels are increasing dramatically. According to the World Health Organization, workers are suffering from excessive and uncontrollable stress caused by increasing demands and changing work environments. This of course leads to an increase in mental health issues and ultimately burnout.

Work-life balance is a term we all know - and it has never been as important as it is today. It specifically addresses the issues mentioned above: how to find the balance between being constantly connected to work and switching off to relax and enjoy life outside of work. But we know that this is easier said than done and that the responsibility lies with both the employer and the employee. Today we've focused on some strategies employees can use to get a better handle on their work-life balance - now. While this is easier said than done, we believe it is worth taking even a small step in the right direction.

1. Manage your time

A popular way to better manage your time at work is to create blocks in your calendar. These can be event specific, e.g. a blocker for completing a lengthy project or preparing for the next meeting. But it can also be proactive time blocks, e.g. 30 minutes every morning to deal with emails, or an hour once a week for the ad hoc topics that keep coming up.

These calendar blockers allow you to focus on specific times and prevent other appointments from filling your calendar. A few proactively blocked extra minutes a day can give you the time and space you need to complete unexpected tasks or projects that might otherwise send your day spiraling out of control.

You can also use time management apps. They work like to-do lists with a built-in time management function. This way you can keep track of what needs to be done and how much time you should allow for it.

2. Say "No"

This tip is related to managing your time. Managing your capacity - and saying "no" to things you don't have time for - is a key part of fighting overwork. Saying "yes" to something you know you don't have time for doesn't help anyone, including yourself. If you don't have the capacity, you don't have the capacity.

But dealing realistically with your own time is only the first step. The second, equally important aspect is communicating your capabilities. If you don't have one, you should communicate this to your teammates, your manager, and your stakeholders so that everyone is on the same page. Together you can consider some solutions, such as: using freelancers to relieve the workload or coordinating with your manager and your team about which topics should have priority. This prioritization can help you avoid things lower on the list, and has the added benefit of ensuring you're spending your time on what matters most.

3. Actively switch off from work

Whether you work in the office, at home, or at the local coffee shop, setting specific start and end times can help you actively disengage from work when your time is up. This can be difficult if you work from home (when your office is literally right on your doorstep) or if you use work email or chat apps on your phone. Setting and sticking to a fixed end time means you don't read email or check Slack "just in case" until your next work start date. Even if you have flexible work hours and stop work at 5:00 p.m. to spend time with family and resume work at 9:00 p.m., being disconnected from work means you are not active between your stop and start times work.

When we constantly think about work in our free time, we deprive our minds - and our bodies - of the opportunity to relax and recharge. One way to avoid this is to develop habits that help you stay focused on work. For example, designate a place in your apartment where you only work. When you leave this place, you also leave work. If that's not possible (or even if!), turning off chat and email notifications is an easy way to distract yourself during your free time.

A habit for after work, such as: Some activities, such as taking a walk or reading a book, can also force your brain to switch out of work mode. If you feel like it, you can also wear a work outfit even if you're working from home. Changing into the comfy clothes of home can be another way to transition into after-work mode!

4. Schedule time for physical activity

We all know we should exercise, but most of us don't do it enough. Taking the time to exercise and exercise your body is an important way to manage stress and reduce its impact on mental and physical well-being. Making time for a morning run or an afternoon stretch break may remove some "productivity time" from your calendar, but the energy you gain from an active break will better equip you to tackle the next task when you come back.

5. Ask for help

And last but not least: ask for help! Stress can leave us feeling isolated and alone, but the truth is that we all experience stressful times - often on a regular basis. Reaching out to all available resources, from your teammates and manager to workplace help and mental health experts, is like turning to a doctor when you break a bone: smart and necessary. Plus, prevention is always better than treatment. If you're feeling overwhelmed, consider asking for help sooner rather than later.

IceHrm understands the pressing need for a healthy work-life balance. Our commitment is to empower individuals and organizations with innovative solutions, fostering a workplace culture where well-being thrives alongside productivity.

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