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Masha Masha is a content developer at IceHrm. You can contact her at masha[at]

Mastering Team Leadership: Essential Tips for Success

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Welcome to the world of team management! You have undoubtedly worked hard to get here and invested a lot of time and effort to get where you are today. You are a smart person!

But that doesn't mean you won't feel unprepared. Leading a team can be downright daunting, and if you have no experience, it can quickly become overwhelming.

So how can you become the next George Washington or Sun Tzu without going back to school? With modern tips on performance management, of course!

Let's get started.

How to Lead a Team - 8 Easy Steps

Improve your leadership skills by reading these eight simple tips to become the best.

1.Develop your team leadership skills

When we think of leadership, we usually conjure up images of pie charts, typing noises, and a slightly nicer office. That's all well and good, but have you noticed something missing? Yes - actual leadership skills.

We rarely think about leadership qualities at work. Even once we are team leaders, we tend to do what has worked in the past. Not only is this ineffective, it also prevents us from developing meaningfully.

Instead of leaning on old coping mechanisms, spread your wings:

  • A mentoring program for companies
  • Internal documents or resources
  • A conversation with your direct supervisor

It's okay if you don't know what you're doing at first. That's why these resources exist!

2.Definition of leadership tasks

The better you understand your leadership role, the faster you will be able to find your way in your new position.

Ask yourself:

  • What is my official job title?
  • What does the rest of my team expect from me?
  • What did the previous manager do in my position?

Remember that the time factor also plays an important role. Your role becomes clearer the longer you hold it - it just takes a while!

3.Talk to team members

Talking to co-workers can feel a little strange at first, especially if you've been promoted from their ranks.

But practice makes perfect, and the best way to do it is this:

  • Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated (Golden Rule for Victory!)
  • Use terms like “we” instead of “I” to emphasize ongoing teamwork
  • Be clear and concise and communicate as often as possible.

Above all, be human. Your employees will more than appreciate this - believe us.

4.Listen to employees

With all the talking and chatting, don't forget what your employees need most: listening! Listening to employees is by far one of the most important things you can do to build solid long-term relationships.

Ensure good communication to keep employee satisfaction high. Establish up front what employees can expect from you (and don't forget to brush up on your active listening skills). If you don't already have an open door policy, now is a good time to implement one.

5.Recognize strengths and weaknesses

Let's face it: no one can be good at everything. This is what makes us all unique, and what makes you as a leader unique. The sooner you know where your strengths and weaknesses lie, the stronger you will be as a team leader.

One of the best ways to find out is to perform a SWOT analysis on yourself. This means the following:

  • Highlighting your strengths
  • Discussing your weaknesses
  • Exploring your opportunities
  • Consider your threats

It is important that you be honest and objective during this process. Do not cheat!

6.Study effective leaders

Honestly, the best way to become a team leader is to watch how others do it. You can try this:

  • Read blogs or watch videos from leaders in a similar position.
  • Intern with other supervisors or managers in your company.
  • Sit down with a mentor for a personal conversation.

A note: Leading by example does not mean copying everything an individual leader does. Just take some of the basics they created and put your own spin on them. You'll be glad you did!

7.Targeted performance assessment

Ah, the dreaded performance review! So uncomfortable - and yet so necessary.

As a team leader, you are responsible for distributing quarterly, annual or semi-annual reviews. But that doesn't mean they have to be boring!

Consider it:

  • Set goals that team members actually want to achieve
  • Creating a continuous line of feedback that is not impersonal or isolated
  • Creating succession plans and identifying top talent for the future

Software is a great place to start, especially as a new leader.

8.Recognition for your employees

Everyone loves a pat on the back. As a leader, it is your job to recognize, encourage, and thank each member of your team. And again and again!

But that doesn't mean you only send greeting cards. It means:

  • Public thanks to individuals for their work and achievements
  • To promote a culture of gratitude that is visible and tangible for everyone
  • Offer actual rewards as an expression of gratitude (not just corporate gifts)

If you don't already use recognition software, now is a good time to start.

Mastering team leadership is achievable with modern tips and tools like those offered by IceHrm, fostering success and growth.

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