Strategies for Leading and Expanding a High-Achieving Team

Building high-performing teams is about more than just gathering a bunch of smart, talented, highly skilled people in a room. Exceptional performance also requires communication, alignment, openness, trust and a growth mindset - all of which are fostered by a strong leader.

Do you want to lead your team to peak performance? There are strategies and tips you can use to get to know your employees, guide them to success, and inspire them to perform at their best. In this article, we'll share five ways leaders can build high-performing teams.

1.Set specific and achievable goals

Every high-performing team needs clear, achievable team and individual goals. You should make goal setting a shared process with your employees, but as a manager, you are responsible for aligning each employee's individual goals with the larger company goals. Shared goals improve team alignment and collaboration and ensure that each employee understands how their contribution impacts the company's success.

We recommend managers use the SMART goal framework with their teams to set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This framework provides clarity to your employees and makes it easier for you as a manager to monitor progress and provide support.

2.Communicate clearly and often

Continuous communication is key to maintaining a high-performing team. Schedule and have regular 1:1 conversations with each direct report on your team. These ongoing conversations are an opportunity to:

  • Get to know your employees personally
  • Find out about the well-being of employees
  • Discuss personal and professional problems
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Check the progress of the goals
  • Identifying and removing obstacles
  • Discussions about development goals
  • Answering questions or concerns
    And much more

    Remember that every employee is different. Some will want to communicate with you frequently, while others may prefer to work more autonomously. At the beginning of your working relationship, discuss expectations and establish a rhythm for 1-on-1 conversations that works for both of you.

When done right, 1-on-1 conversations can help create a positive and supportive work environment. When employees trust that you want the best for them, they will feel more comfortable addressing challenging topics, taking risks, and trying new things. Clear communication ensures you are all on the same page and employees know exactly what is expected of them.

3.Provide continuous feedback

While most managers have no problem giving positive feedback, many struggle with giving developmental and constructive feedback on an ongoing basis. It may feel uncomfortable to talk to employees about how they can improve, but this type of feedback is often the most valuable. It gives individuals concrete, actionable pointers that can advance their professional growth.

Ask your team to give feedback to each other too. By creating a team culture that welcomes constant feedback, you encourage your team to celebrate each other's successes and support each other. With the IceHrm performance management module, employees can proactively obtain feedback from colleagues at any time, making giving and receiving feedback a team effort and allowing each employee to take responsibility for their own development and that of their colleagues.

4.Recognize hard work

Celebrate successes, big and small! Regular recognition works wonders for improving morale and ensuring everyone on your team feels seen and valued, no matter how high or low their role is.

Recognition comes in many forms, so vary the way you recognize your employees' achievements. Here are some ways to recognize employees:

In writing: This can be done through your company's internal messaging system (in public or private channels), via email, or in team reports.
Verbal: You can recognize an employee in a personal conversation or publicly in a team or department meeting.
Financial: If you have the means, you can reward your employee with a gift card or bonus to show them your and the company's thanks.
Formal: Whether you are able to reward employees financially or not, you can nominate them for Employee of the Month or company values-based awards to recognize the contributions they have made to your company.

When you recognize employees, make sure that the recognition does not only take place in private. When you publicly celebrate your employees' successes, your employees' achievements become more visible and they feel seen and appreciated by the entire organization.

5.Develop your talent

And finally, think about the future. While it's great that your employees are performing well in the present, as their manager, it's your job to equip them with the necessary hard and soft skills and resources so they can develop and take on new tasks.

Investing in your talent can also improve employee retention.

In addition to encouraging a growth mindset, push your employees toward continuous learning with an Individual Development Plan (IDP). IDPs identify individual strengths, weaknesses and desires to create an actionable plan to help employees achieve their professional goals. Using IDPs and sharing ongoing feedback with your employees can inspire and motivate them to achieve their goals and advance their careers within your company.

Be the manager you would like to be
Every leader is in a unique position to support their team. By investing in their employees and supporting them to be their best, they help drive the growth and performance of their team. From your unique perspective as a leader, you can provide meaningful feedback and make improvements that increase employee communication, collaboration, morale, retention, and ultimately productivity.

Tips by IceHrm, your trusted HR management software partner that helps organizations streamline their HR processes.