Mastering Recruitment: 5 Tips for Hiring Management Positions

During a normal job search, it is crucial for companies to find talent that fits a specific role and can handle the various tasks associated with it. However, when recruiting managers, it is even more important to find the right candidates. The stakes are exponentially higher when recruiting for these important positions - the cost of a bad hire can be as much as 213 percent of the executive's salary.

If your company is looking to hire its next leader, the following tips can help ensure your recruiting process is successful.

1.Get your business on the same page.

One of the most important steps in the executive recruiting process is bringing your company's decision-makers to the table and discussing your ideas for your ideal candidate. Agree on your shared vision for the role and the impact you want your new employee to have. What do you want him to accomplish in the first 30, 60, 90 days and beyond? Explain what type of experience you expect from the new employee and what skills and personality traits they should bring with them. This is critical to the effectiveness of your initial sourcing and recruiting efforts.

In any executive search, selectivity is critical. Only 28 percent of managers understand their company's culture, even though they think it is important. These senior management candidates will have a significant impact on your company's culture, so finding a candidate who embodies your company's values is essential. When a leader's values and behaviors do not align with those of the company's culture, it can create tension, conflict, and resistance that can impede progress and impact the leader's ability to achieve their goals. The person in question must not only be qualified for the position, but also be a good cultural fit for your company. Recently, companies have found success by using tools such as personality and behavior-based assessments to predict how a candidate will perform in their new role. Failing to thoroughly vet and evaluate your candidate can lead to confusion or chaos in the future.

2.Know the market.

When identifying a leadership position that needs to be filled within your company, you should have a thorough understanding of the job market for that type of position. Research your competitors to find out what experiences and personal development opportunities they offer their senior candidates. Know the ins and outs of your competitors and how your brand compares to them. Improving your employer brand will ultimately help your company attract qualified potential talent. And companies with a strong brand save 43 percent on hiring costs.

The actions and decisions of managers determine the strategic direction of your company and impact the company's overall success. Therefore, when recruiting these employees, your company should offer more than just a lucrative salary and benefits package. Find out what opportunities these people are looking for in a new position in order to attract them to your company more effectively. Think outside the box and find creative and personal ways to appeal to your potential candidate.

3.Be proactive, not reactive.

If you want to find the best candidate in your search efforts, you probably won't find them in the job market. Instead, your ideal candidate is most likely already employed and successful in their current position. And in most cases, your potential superstar is currently working for your competition.

This is where strategies for recruiting passive applicants come into play. If your company is trying to appeal to these passive candidates, it's critical to craft an exceptional sales pitch that conveys the strength of your employment brand. In some cases, the person you're trying to approach has a limited understanding of your company's background, so having a perfect script for this first conversation is critical to your hiring success. However, don't expect to be able to woo your ideal candidate overnight. Instead, take the time to build a meaningful relationship with this person to increase the effectiveness of your recruiting efforts.

4.Use behavioral interview tactics.

Employers use behavioral interviews to assess an applicant's experiences and behaviors. Studies show that this approach is 55 percent predictive of future workplace behavior, compared to just 10 percent predictive power for traditional interviews. During behavioral interviews, the applicant is asked open-ended questions and statements designed to obtain detailed answers about their previous experiences. Eighty-six percent of hiring managers believe behavioral interviews are somewhat or very effective.

Beyond this interview approach, try to develop an understanding of how your candidate will take your company to the next level. By sharing ideas organically, you'll get a better sense of how the person responds to compelling and thought-provoking questions.

5.Clearly define expectations for the process.

When you begin your search with a list of qualified applicants, your company needs to have a plan of attack. When these interviewers ask questions about the recruiting timeline or the next phase of the interview process, you need to have the answers ready.

Ultimately, your company sets the tone during the hiring process. If your decision makers work together quickly and make decisions quickly after interviews, you will leave a positive impression on the candidate you want to hire. However, if you delay the process for several weeks - or even months - your chances of success decrease.

In conclusion, recruiting effective managers requires alignment, market awareness, proactive outreach, behavioral interviewing, and clear expectations. With IceHrm's recruitment module, streamline your hiring process for optimal results and find the leaders your company needs to thrive.